Community articles — University

We examine repeated iteration of various matrices from a graphical view, plotting each iterate vector for numerous randomly chosen initial values. Then we examine a specific matrix and how why it generates the Fibonacci sequence.

Trabalho voltado para a conclusão da disciplina Recursos Computacionais no Ensino da Matemática.


Neste artigo apresentamos a segunda parte do nosso trabalho em Modelagem 3

Baby Near is the project created to assist parents to monitor their children in open or closed environments, mainly with crowds, such as supermarkets, malls, playgrounds, among others. The prototype consists of two ends that communicate with each other by Bluetooth, one with a smartphone and another with an Arduino. If the distance between them is highier than the one set by the parents, the cellphone device emits sounds, vibrations and changes on screen that alert the parent that the distance has been exceeded. In addition, the end of the Arduino also has a short distance electronic tag that can be used by parents to insert information relevant to the child's finder. In this way, the system brings to the parents more speed in the detection of an emergency situation due to the increase of the distance of the child.

Com a evolução constante da eletrônica, a necessidade de produzir protótipos em placa de circuito impresso é cada vez mais cobrada e importante para se elaborar tecnologia de forma rápida, mas sem deixar a qualidade de produção baixa. Pensando nisso, este artigo propõe o desenvolvimento de uma fresadora CNC com base no comando numérico computadorizado para a confecção de trilhas na placa de circuito impresso de forma otimizada. Deste modo, são mostrados passo a passo os pilares teóricos que compõem a base de conhecimento para que se possa entender e desenvolver a ferramenta que irá usinar e por sua vez produzir o protótipo de forma eficaz. Os resultados obtidos em relação à montagem da ferramenta e o material usinado foi classificado com satisfatório, já que a máquina CNC conseguiu atingir seus objetivos, perfurando, cortando a placa e isolando as trilhas formando assim o circuito.

The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a NASA long-duration balloon experiment with the primary goal of detecting ultra-high-energy (\(> 10^{18}\)eV) neutrinos via the Askaryan Effect. In the fourth ANITA mission, the Tunable Universal Filter Frontend (TUFF) boards were deployed for mitigation of narrow-band, anthropogenic noise with tunable, switchable notch filters. They contributed to a factor of 2.8 higher total instrument livetime in ANITA-4 compared to ANITA-3. A search for a diffuse flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos was conducted using the data collected during the ANITA-3 flight with a new approach where the Antarctic ice area is sectioned off into bins and a search is performed with different thresholds in different bins. The binned analysis methods were extended to the development of a search for neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts, implementing constraints in time, and for the first time, in direction. Lower analysis thresholds were achieved in a feasibility search even when extending the search to include longer afterglow periods. Authored with osudiss-2.cls (v0.9.1)

Relatório de estágio desenvolvido para a obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ciência da Computação no Instituto de Computação na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso.

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