A cumulative dissertation is in its nature a different document in comparison to a standard monogram dissertation. Unfortunately, the university guide-lines sometimes do not provide a LaTeX template or do not exactly specify the structure of such a document. Therefore, to make the final document as readable as possible, we might want to structure it more than the standard thesis templates (e.g. adding multiple bibliographies, multiple tables of contents, etc.). Unfortunately, this process is not always straight forward and the interplay between additional packages can cause troubles. I encountered multiple problems while preparing the template for my thesis, which are solved in this template and I hope this document will save some time to anybody wishing to structure their thesis similarly.
HITSZThesis is a bachelor dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ). Current version is 2.3, updated on 2020/03/05. Documentation: Template usage (hitszthesis.pdf), Template example (main.pdf).
CTAN: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/hitszthesis, GitHub: https://github.com/YangLaTeX/hitszthesis.
umsthesis is a LaTeX class for authoring theses that fulfill formatting specifications required by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), commissioned by Mohd Kamalrulzaman Md Akhir.This is version 1.0 (August 4, 2016).
Update announcements will appear here.
Important: Compile with xelatex!
An MSc thesis template suitable for the MSc Future Power Networks of the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
The template is based on the Final Year Project Template by NuriC.
My edit customizes the front page for the MSc FPN and adds sample code for figures, code listings, tables and other details along with a description of the content of each section following the departmental guidelines.
Cursus LaTeX opgebouwd als typevoorbeeld voor het schrijven van een thesis.
"Een uitstekende bron om van te vertrekken, is de cursus van Gaspard. Deze werd opgevat als een thesis, waardoor er uitermate weinig moet aangepast worden om op basis hiervan een thesis te schrijven."
(Downloaded from LaTeX templates en logo's)