LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

This template is prepared for "Online Proceedings" in the SMCA'2022 conference by making necessary modifications to the existing CEUR-ART style.

This template is prepared for "Online Proceedings" in the SMCA'2022 conference by making necessary modifications to the existing CEUR-ART style.

This template is a part of the Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge (SemREC) which is a part of the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'21)

Modelo para TCC utilizado no curso de Engenharia Mecatrônica do CEFET-MG campus V.

Una pequeña actualización de la plantilla para la elaboración del Trabajo Fin de Grado en la Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial y Aeroespacial de Toledo. Corregidos problemas con fuente monoespaciada y con soporte de múltiples idiomas.

#9774 Nano Ninjas is a rookie FTC Team consisting of fifteen girls in seventh and eighth grade and is a neighborhood team located in Portland, OR. This is our Engineering Notebook capturing every moment of of FTC journey. Read more about our amazing project in our story on the Overleaf blog. This is a big, detailed report at 300+ pages, so give it a few seconds to load! :-)

Template para o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) no Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Câmpus de São José do Rio Preto (IBILCE).


Template Titelblatt Deckblatt Praktikum Labworks Friedrich Alexander Universität Template Vorlage für jegliches Praktikum an der FAU
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