LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Diese Vorlage eignet sich für sprachliche W-Seminararbeiten an Gymnasien. Diese Vorlage ist so übersichtlich gestaltet, sodass der Schüler in der Datei Arbeit.tex nur seinen Inhalt schreibt. Die Präambel und das Titelblatt sind ausgelagert. In der Datei bausteine.tex finden sich Bausteine, die durch Copy/Paste in das Dokument übernommen werden können. Dies ersetzt aber nicht immer ein Nachschlagen in der Literatur oder im Internet... Angepasst für XeLaTeX 2022 Viel Spaß!

Muons compose the penetrating component of Cosmic Rays. At sea level, they constitute the largest part of Secondary Cosmic Rays, giving an average flux of ≈ 100 m−2s−1sr−1. The aim of our experiment is to estimate, from muon decay, the mean lifetime and the mass of invisible products. Our experimental setup includes four detectors: three of them are plastic scintillators and compose the trigger system, while the last one is a liquid scintillator which measures the particles energy. All these scintillators are read by photomultipliers. Trigger and pulse thresholds are computed by logical and temporal modules in a VME crate. The Data Acquisition System has been verified to work properly. It is composed of two fADCs modules, one I/O Register, one Motorola computer and a Farm. The liquid scintillator has been calibrated in energy using both passing muons and 60CO gamma source. Thanks to the charge-energy conversion factor we estimated electron energy spectrum. In particular we selected a sample of decay events by estimating muon mean lifetime τμ = 2.19 ± 0.34 μs; then we finally extrapolated an upper limit for invisible products mass mν < 5.99 ± 0.73 MeV/c2.

SVD-разложение и его практические приложения с исходным кодом на языке Matlab. (SVD - decomposition and its practical applications with source code in the language Matlab.

My documentation report Objective: Explain what I did and how, so someone can continue with the investigation Important note: Chapter heading images should have a 2:1 width:height ratio, e.g. 920px width and 460px height. Note: This was produced using the Legrand Orange Book template, available here. Original author of the Legrand Orange Book template: Mathias Legrand ( with modifications by: Vel ( Original License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0


TU Darmstadt LaTeX updated template. Copyright (C) Marei Peischl, 2018–2022 tuda-ci 2022/11/04 v3.28

This is an unoficial template for confirmation review and dissertation submitted to the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK.

Plantilla empleada para realizar TFE hecha por mi.

Plantilla en LaTeX acorde con la Normativa para la elaboración de informes de TFT de la ETSII (UPM). Este documento constituye una guía (que sirve a su vez de plantilla) para la elaboración de informes de TFG o TFM en LaTeX acorde con la Normativa de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (UPM). No pretende abarcar todas y cada una de las funcionalidades que ofrece LaTeX (¡las posibilidades son prácticamente infinitas!), pero sí tratar los aspectos fundamentales para la elaboración de un documento utilizando esta indispensable herramienta. Además de los elementos básicos de cualquier informe (índice, tablas, ecuaciones, bibliografía, etc.), esta guía incluye "tutoriales" y plantillas para algunos de los elementos presentes en todo (o casi todo) informe de TFG o TFM (como son el diagrama de Gantt o la EDP).
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