Community articles — International Languages
![Curriculum Vitae - Aku Kettunen](
Aku Kettunen's CV. Created with the AltaCV template.
![A Bênção de Poder Contribuir](
Estudo Bíblico sobre a bênção de poder contribuir financeiramente no Reino de deus
![Ações do Discípulo](
Sermão apresentado à Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Coronel Fabriciano - MG
![Algebra Linear](
Algebra Linear
![Analizadores de proceso](
Es todo el conjunto de ideas, tecnología, diseño, instrumentos, equipos o servicios que bien seleccionados y ordenadamente relacionados entre sí, contribuyen a obtener resultados analíticos fiables. En los procesos industriales, según la severidad de las especificaciones se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias de control que requieren conocimiento puntual de ciertas variables que determinan la calidad del proceso.
Invento de un dispositivo para solucionar un problema imposible.
![Software de auxílio ao ensino e aprendizagemde matemática para crianças](
The usage of software has grown as computers become popular. There have emerged, both in academia and in the market, technological solutions for several areas, among them education. On the other hand, classroom teaching and learning continues to suffer from classical educational problems such as lack of student and teacher motivation and lack of clear educational goals. And although software supports learning across a range of disciplines and ages, children's audiences, especially in mathematics, have been little contemplated with the benefits that technological solutions can bring. Therefore, the use of pedagogical approaches, such as Bloom's Taxonomy and Formative Assessments, together with gamification techniques, such as Octalysis, can be used to develop a technological solution that contemplates this public. The present work aims to propose the development of a software to assist the teaching and learning of mathematics for children in the classroom.
![Trabalho 5: Métodos Computacionais da Física B](
Estudo de um sistema dinâmico.
![As Bem Aventuranças](
Estudo Bíblico apresentado na Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Coronel Fabriciano
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