LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.


Template réalisé pour les rapports de stage de fin d'études 2023 ou plus, il est aussi adapté pour les stages de cycle ingénieur. Les choix de mise en page respectent les consignes données par le département INFO, mais sont subjectifs.

Plantilla para reportes de practicas con el formato del DIEE del instituto tecnologico de Mérida

中国科学院大学公共必修课《基础物理实验》实验报告模板,基于官方提供的Word模板进行编写,体验更佳。本模板已被列为本课程推荐模板,感谢张海龙教授对本项目的支持与推荐。 LaTeX template for Experimental Physics report of UCAS, based on official Word template. Thanks for the support and recommendation from Prof. Hai-Long Zhang.

A suitable template that can be used for the interim report submission for Computer Science at the University of Lincoln. Relevant as of 2022-23.

This project is a part of the project templates for the Data Science - Master's programme at the University of Skövde provided initially to help students follow certain guidelines. Text and logos belong to the Data Science - Master's program, University of Skövde

Plantilla para la elaboración de Trabajos Fin de Grado y Trabajos Fin de Máster, de acuerdo a la norma UNE 157001:2014 de Criterios generales para la elaboración formal de los documentos que constituyen un proyecto técnico.

Template de TCC a ser utilizado no IF Goiano - Campus Trindade

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