LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

In this experiment, we attempt to better understand how materials properties are tested. We tested a number of simple beams of different materials under a stress. The bending of the materials allowed for us to calculate the Poisson's Ratio and elastic moduli for each material. From this, we were able to not only compare materials but also methods of measuring elasticity. Despite some error in our results, which can be explained by the scale of our measurements in relation to the stiffness of certain materials, we find both strain gauges and equations of cantilever to be appropriate measurement techniques for measuring the elastic modulus of simple beams.

We explore ways of allowing for the offloading of computationally rigorous tasks from devices with slow logical processors onto a network of anonymous peer-processors. Recent advances in secret sharing schemes, decentralized consensus mechanisms, and multiparty computation (MPC) protocols are combined to create a P2P MPC market. Unlike other computational "clouds", ours is able to generically compute any arithmetic circuit, providing a viable platform for processing on the semantic web. Finally, we show that such a system works in a hostile environment, that it scales well, and that it adapts very easily to any future advances in the complexity theoretic cryptography used. Specifically, we show that the feasibility of our system can only improve, and is historically guaranteed to do so.

In this sample paper, we describe the formatting requirements for content for the STAR assignment for the Introduction to Computer Graphics class, Fall 2015. Please fill this section with the abstract. This template is based on the SIGGRAPH proceedings template and the following sections will contain dummy sections and text which you can edit. Use Overleaf to collaborate and keep track of your document.

The background research on note-taking apps (including last year's group project) for our GRP.

A report created with the Project Report template at

Trabalho experimental de determinação da Constante de Planck e do comportamento de Corpo Negro para um filamento de Tungstênio a partir da determinação de temperatura por resistência e por radiação eletromagnética.

This paper presents the design, the prototype implementation and the preliminary evaluation of an enhanced meta-computing environment based on the FEniCS Project and focused on multi-domain multi-physics problems modeled with partial differential equations. It is based on scripting languages and their practices, and on the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm and the associated web services technologies. Our design is generic, covering a wide range of problems but our proof of concept implementation is restricted to elliptic PDEs in two or three dimensions.

No âmbito da cadeira de Portfólio Pessoal, leccionada pelo professor Rui Santos Cruz, foi nos disponibilizada uma lista de actividades a desempenhar tendo estas como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento das imprescindíveis e cada vez mais necessárias "Soft Skills". A actividade escolhida foi um projecto colaborativo promovido pela associação de caridade "Entrajuda" e pelo Centro Paroquial do Campo Grande, sendo que, a actividade consistia na restauração e reabilitação do espaço exterior desta ultima organização. Entre as diversas tarefas a desenvolver no espaço exterior do centro paroquial, a escolhida foi o restauro dos bancos de jardim nele existentes, o que incluía todo o trabalho de pintura e tratamento de materiais (madeira, ferro) existentes nestes bancos. O intuito de toda esta restauração centrou-se na perspectiva, de num futuro recente, poder acolher todos os beneficiários do centro num local agradável, e com condições dignas de uma instituição cuja principal preocupação é ajudar quem mais precisa.

Author: Surya Kiran Akkaladevi Wright State University Thesis Report Format for Wright State Students. Dedicated to my advisor Dr. Henry Chen and all student researchers of Wright State
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