LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

The accelerated rate of growth in the amount of web applications returns as a result an increase in the traffic that web servers must handle. This aggregated traffic, in addition to the demand of the clients to be served in a real time frame, leads to the requirement of a customized way to control web related resources. All processes of the web server are tied to the control that the OS scheduler has over them, and for the default settings, the scheduler is set to handle general purpose tasks instead of being optimized forweb serving purposes. To address this issue, the use of custom settings into the scheduler will allow the daemons needed to run a web page (such as Apache, PHP and a SQL DB) to be handled by the OS as efficiently as possible. The results of the test will be the comparison in performance of a web server for different settings on the Linux Scheduler.

Trabalho de Física Experimental II

In English: This is a Latex template for São Paulo Research Foudation (FAPESP) reports (annual or final). This is the modified version of the original Latex template from following website. Original Source: For information about FAPESP, check This template targets mainly on reports in Portuguese language. New additions and changes in the latest version: Added the possibility of including multiple members in the research team, with the commands \memberA{Name of Member A} \memberB{Name of Member B} \memberC{Name of Member C} etc. Included commands to define project modality and the research agency (if you want to use the same model for other research agencies such as CAPES, CNPq etc). In Portuguese: Este é um modelo Latex para relatórios (anual ou final) da Fundação de Amparo à pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). Esta é uma versão modificada do modelo Latex do site supra mencionado. Para informações sobre a FAPESP, verifique Esse modelo foca principalmente nos relatórios escritos em Português. Novas adições e alterações na última versão: Foi adicionada a possibilidade de incluir vários membros no grupo de pesquisas, com os comandos \membroA{Nome do Membro A} \membroB{} \membroC{} etc. Foram incluídos comandos para definir modalidade de projeto e agência de fomento (caso queira utilizar o mesmo modelo para outras agências, CAPES, CNPq etc). Author/Autor: André Leon Sampaio Gradvohl, Dr. Email: Lattes CV: GitHub: Last update/Última versão: 19/Feb/2018

Engineering notebook, outlining the design process of an autonomous robot competing in the 2016 TYESA/ASEE robot parade competition.

This article presents the activities carried out in the compulsory stage for the completion of the Technical Course in Integrated Computing IFRS - Campus Ibirubá . These are focused on software development area, with a brief involvement in the hardware area.

Se pretende describir el decaimiento de una partícula α encontrando los niveles de energía Eα correspondientes a los estados ligados de la partícula producto de la desintegración. Los niveles de energía y los estados ligados se encuentran mediante dos métodos de aproximación: WKB y diferencias finitas. Posteriormente se halla el tiempo de vida medio τ, se comparan los resultados con los de la literatura y se decide el mejor método de solución acorde con la literatura.

In this experiment we conducted bending tests on several different specimens of Aluminum as well as Ceramics. Using the data gathered from these tests as well as measurements we took of their primary dimensions, we calculated (for each specimen) modulus of rupture, flexure strain, Young's modulus, as well as specific strength and stiffness. These tests gave us insight into new characteristics of aluminum and ceramics that allowed us to better understand their applications in industry.

Eine Vorlage für Seminararbeiten am HCIC beim Betreuer André Calero Valdez.

rapport final
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