LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Modelo de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para alunos do curso de Engenharia da Computação da Universidade Positivo. Atualizado em julho/2020 - Versão 2.0 Este modelo implementa as regras descritas pela Instrução Normativa do Curso, pela Biblioteca da Universidade Positivo e pela ABNT NBR 14724 (baseado na classe ABNTex). Revisão por Verônica Isabela Quandt Conteúdo descritivo pelo NDE do curso.

This template is suitable for assignments, reports, theses, or similar papers that are written in Greek.

Template básico para um relatório no MIEM da Universidade do Minho

This template allows you to create your own field-work report or a linguistics paper of any kind.

Wzór pracy dyplomowej inspirowany wytycznymi Instytutu Studiów Informacyjnych UJ. Został przygotowany jako nieoficjalna pomoc dydaktyczna dla studentów kierunku "Zarządzanie informacją" I i II stopnia.

A template for MDH students based on IEEETran for use in the Intelligent Future Technologies-courses at MDH IDT. E.g. Electronic System and, Complex Electronic Systems. Update 2021-08-03: Big update to accommodate courses for fall 2021 Update 2020-12-15: Added so references are visible in the document with the new bib file. Update 2022-01-14: New logotype

The template is provided to help authors submitting working papers for the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Computational Social Science (iLCSS) at the University of Maryland, College Park. The template was developed based on the PNAS template.

用于组会报告等场景,集成了表格,公式,算法,图片,代码,参考文献等多种功能,使用Noto Serif SC作为基础字体。

Template a ser usado na Pré Banca e Banca Final no IFMS - Tads
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