LaTeX templates and examples — International Languages

Plantilla para tesis Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco

Diese Vorlage eignet sich für naturwissenschaftliche W-Seminararbeiten an Gymnasien. Diese Vorlage ist so übersichtlich gestaltet, dass der Schüler in der Datei Arbeit.tex nur seinen Inhalt einfügen muss. Die Präambel und das Titelblatt sind ausgelagert. Für den XeLaTeX-Compilker optimiert! In der Datei bausteine.tex finden sich Bausteine, die durch Copy/Paste in das Dokument übernommen werden können. Dies ersetzt aber nicht immer ein Nachschlagen in der Literatur oder im Internet... Viel Spaß!

Guía Informes de Laboratorio. Escuela Politécnica Nacional.

Plantilla para desarrollo de reporte científico básico, orientada al curso de Física Mecánica de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sonido de la Universidad de Chile

Template to be used in a Ph. D. Dissertation document. It is focused in the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Template para alunos do programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento de Aplicações para Dispositivo Móveis e Cloud Computing

Thesis template for OVGU MRCC

Formato de reporte de práctica de laboratorio

Baby Near is the project created to assist parents to monitor their children in open or closed environments, mainly with crowds, such as supermarkets, malls, playgrounds, among others. The prototype consists of two ends that communicate with each other by Bluetooth, one with a smartphone and another with an Arduino. If the distance between them is highier than the one set by the parents, the cellphone device emits sounds, vibrations and changes on screen that alert the parent that the distance has been exceeded. In addition, the end of the Arduino also has a short distance electronic tag that can be used by parents to insert information relevant to the child's finder. In this way, the system brings to the parents more speed in the detection of an emergency situation due to the increase of the distance of the child.
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