LaTeX templates and examples — Assignments
Handy LaTeX templates for homework assignments to use at school, college, and university. They’re great for teachers to prep classes too.

LISTA DE EXERCÍCIOS Template Created by Milena N. Lima, using the "book" class. It has elegant header, circular enumerations, and includes references and citations. Email: Science Project at school 2017-FAPEAM View:

En el siguiente documento se puede observar como agregar secciones, imágenes y bibliografía Plantilla original por Alvarez, con licencia de uso Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Adaptación para el uso de la clase de Introducción a la Geodinámica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

devoir 1 ere annee niveu lycee

Real Analysis Workshop 2 1.3.10

Exercises sheet for high school students in Skoura-Boulmane , Morocco

In this sample paper, we describe the formatting requirements for content for the STAR assignment for the Introduction to Computer Graphics class, Fall 2015. Please fill this section with the abstract. This template is based on the SIGGRAPH proceedings template and the following sections will contain dummy sections and text which you can edit. Use Overleaf to collaborate and keep track of your document.

Just helping people typing LaTeX in Vietnamese

Short Sectioned Assignment LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (5/5/12) This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Frits Wenneker ( License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (

A lab template with many preloaded packages, a built in grade summary, and many custom commands for instructors.
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