LaTeX templates and examples — Exam

满足学校试卷格式模板要求(页眉、页脚、卷头)的同时,可以方便使用LaTeX数学表达式,列表环境也便于选择题自动编号。欢迎交流使用。 This is a final examination template for Bachelor students in Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. All requirements about the format are met.

The skeleton of an exercise sheet I used for my classes. Provides the ability to hide/show the answer, helping giving the exercise sheet and the correction only changing one line

This is a final exam template designed for Zhejiang Gongshang University. Use it for the design of your own final examination paper. For any question, please contact

An example exam paper based on the exam class, which provides commands for: creating regular, multiple-choice and essay questions; showing answers for multiple-choice questions; points per question counting. This example was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

Modelo de prova para professores

Examination template that can compile versions with and without solutions from a single source file, and that uses subfiles to manage questions. Used for ENGR 40M in spring and summer 2017, may be useful for other courses.

Esta es una plantilla para la clase de documento exam, en español 2017 por Fausto M. Lagos S. <> Este trabajo puede ser distribuido o modificado bajo los términos y condiciones de la LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) v1.3C, o cualquier versión posterior. La última versión de esta licencia puede verse en: Usted es libre de usarlo, modificarlo o distribuirlo siempre que se respeten los términos de la licencia y se reconozca al autor original

Modele de doc LaTeX pour bac blanc maths avec page de garde style bac et préambule de l'APMEP adapté pour Overleaf et mise en page A4. Author: Vincent Pantaloni (Lycée Jean Zay, Orleans) Twitter @panlepan

Formato de examen de electrónica con circuito.
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