\documentclass[12pt]{exam} %Doc : https://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/exam/examdoc.pdf
\printanswers %Comment this line to hide the answers
\usepackage[french]{babel} %Originally for french document, change to english or relevant language
%Format Header and footer
\header{\footnotesize Class\\Id number}{\Large\textbf{Name}}{\footnotesize Year\\Teacher}
\footer{}{Page \thepage}{}
% Change section command behaviour
\titleformat{\section}[frame]{\Huge\bfseries\filright}{}{2mm}{\centering Class n°\thesection~:\ }
% Add a watermark if answers are shown
\SetWatermarkText{Solution} %Watermark text
%Format the name of each exercise
\qformat{\textbf{Exercice \thequestion~:}\hfill}
\section{Title of first class}
\question First question
\item First sub question
\item Second subquestion
Second answer
\question Another way to have questions and subquestions
\part First subquestion
\part Second subquestion
Answer for all subquestions
\section{Title of second class}
\question First question
\part First subquestion