\documentclass[]{exam} % use the 'answer' option to compile solutions
\title{ENGR 40M Final Examination}
Stanford University
{\sffamily\bfseries SOLUTIONS}
Name: & \hrulefill \\[1pc]
SUNet ID: & \hrulefill @stanford.edu
\begin{tabular}{| >{\bfseries}c | c |}
Question & \bfseries Points \\
% You need to fill this table in yourself, sadly.
1 & 0 \\ \hline
2 & 0 \\ \hline
3 & 0 \\ \hline
4 & 0 \\ \hline
5 & 0 \\ \hline
6 & 0 \\ \hline
Total & 0 \\
\item This examination contains \pageref{LastPage} pages, including this page.
\item You have \textbf{three (3) hours} to complete the examination. As a courtesy to your classmates, we ask that you not leave during the last fifteen minutes.
\item Write your answers in this booklet. We scan this into Gradescope, so \textbf{please try to avoid writing on the backs of pages}. If you must do so, please indicate \textbf{very} clearly on the front of the page that you have written on the back of the page.
\item You may use two (2) double-sided 8.5"\,$\times$\,11" pages with notes that you have prepared. You may not use any other resources, including lecture notes, books, other students or other engineers.
\item You may use a calculator. You may not share a calculator with anyone. If you didn’t bring a calculator, you may use your phone, \textbf{but} you must put it on \textbf{flight mode} and clear all visible notifications \textbf{before} the examination starts, and you must not open any applications other than the calculator and a timer.
\item Please sign the below Honor Code statement.
In recognition of and in the spirit of the Stanford University Honor Code, I certify that I will neither give nor receive unpermitted aid on this examination.
Signature: \quad \rule{10cm}{0.5pt}
% Include questions from subfiles here: