Community articles — Math

A rigorous construction of the field of real numbers: the unique (up to isomorphism) completely ordered field with the least upper bound property; along with various formulations of completeness and with a postlude on the measure of sets.

Can there be a polynomial with infinite solutions? If so, would it be a polynomial? Also, would it have an infinite solution set? Let's find out.

Senior high school student interested in math, hope to make math friends.

This research paper aims at exploiting efficient ways of implementing the N-Body problem. The N-Body problem, in the field of physics, predicts the movements and planets and their gravitational interactions. In this paper, the efficient execution of heavy computational work through usage of different cores in CPU and GPU is looked into; achieved by integrating the OpenMP parallelization API and the Nvidia CUDA into the code. The paper also aims at performance analysis of various algorithms used to solve the same problem. This research not only aids as an alternative to complex simulations but also for bigger data that requires work distribution and computationally expensive procedures.

En este artículo se muestra el proceso de solución numérica del ejercicio N°40, página 544, del libro "Cálculo de un variable'', con la finalidad de cumplir los requerimientos para el trabajo final de modelación de la asignatura Cálculo Integral. Por medio de la aplicación de integrales, se determinará la ecuación para el cálculo de la longitud de un cable telefónico y se hallará la altura a la cual debe estar conectado el cable teniendo en cuenta la altura mínima de este respecto al suelo, y la distancia de separación entre ambos postes.

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The Electricity theft is an economic issue for the electricity company due to unbilled revenue of consumers who commit such action. In a regulated scenario the company needs to fit within the laws of a regulatory agency (ANEEL in Brazil) and the loss of revenue is a problem that can compromise the compliance with regulatory targets and business efficiency. The objective of this article is to analyze how the energy theft impacts on the economy of the regulated company, consumers and society as a whole. Through the economic model Tarot (Optimized Tariff) it was possible through a concise and comprehensive manner to analyze the regulated electricity market using simulations and discover in which points the company operates optimally and through it to determine the economic indicators.

Achter de ontdekking van de RSA-codes zit heel wat mooie wiskunde, voornamelijk uit de getaltheorie. De wiskundige die onbewust hebben bijgedragen tot de ontdekking van de RSA-codes zijn Eratosthenes, Euclides, Fermat, Euler, Gauss, Bezout en Bachet. De wiskundigen die de RSA-codes bewust hebben ontdekt zijn Rivest, Shamir en Adleman. In deze cursus laten we zien welke bijdrage al deze wiskundigen hebben geleverd aan de codetheorie. We leggen eveneens uit hoe het RSA-codes-mechanisme werkt en hoe deze codes worden gekraakt. De softwarepakketten die hiervoor gebruikt worden zijn Derive (voor het didactische aspect) en Sage (voor de rekenkracht en voor het programmatorisch aspect)

Real Analysis Workshop 2 1.3.10
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