This is a very unofficial and primitive template for typesetting dissertations, as outlined by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany. This example does not provide a finished or fully developed dissertation template - not in any way! In fact, its mere purpose is to lay some rudimentary foundations for further modifications! (compiler: XeLaTeX, preferably)
2022北京大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板(iofu728/pkuthss),当前 overleaf 版本符合2022研究生学位论文要求,可通过图书馆审核,当前v1.1.0基于pkuthss v1.9.2。
This LaTeX template supports 2022 graduate degree dissertation for PKU University, which can pass library inspection. It's v1.1.0 base on pkuthss v1.9.2
T.U. Delft Report Template. The template is designed to work with all versions of LaTeX. However, you must use XeLaTeX if you wish to use the TrueType and OpenType fonts included with the template.