The purpose of the class yathesis is to facilitate dissertations’ typesetting of theses prepared in France, whatever disciplines and institutes. It implements most notably recommendations from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and this, transparently to the user. It has also been designed to (optionally) take advantage
of powerful tools available in LaTeX, including packages:
biblatex for the bibliography ;
glossaries for the glossary, list of acronyms and symbols list.
The yathesis class, based on the book class, aims to be both simple to use and, to some extent, (easily) customizable.
Template for 'Helseatlas' fact sheets, for SKDE Can be both one-page and two-page fact sheets
Jan. 29 2019: Simplified setup
Sept. 21 2018: New framework (all fact sheets in one document)
Apr. 10 2017: LuaLaTeX and TeX Gyre fonts
Modelo de Relatório Técnico/Acadêmico em conformidade com
ABNT NBR 10719:2015 Informação e documentação
Relatório técnico e/ou científico
Adapatado para modelo do CPAI