This paper presents instructions for preparing papers for the IFMBE Proceedings series. The template is intended to guide the authors in preparing the electronic version of their paper. Only papers prepared according to these instructions will be published in both, the paper and online version of the IFMBE proceedings. In this abstract section you should provide an abstract of your paper, not longer than 300 words.
For Proceedings FYP CS249 (2016)
This template is compiled by Dr J on 13 August 2016
this template needs pdf files with no page number. Page number will be created automatically when compiling using this template.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Jusoh Yacob & Wan Khairiyah Hulaini Wan Ramli
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IFAC technical meetings. Please use this document as a template to prepare your manuscript. For submission guidelines, follow instructions on paper submission system as well as the event website.
This document presents the format for full papers to be published in the Annals of the XLVII SBPO. Title, affiliation, abstract and keywords must be exactly the same as the author informed when registered the paper through JEMS. The Abstract must not exceed 150 words.
Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani organizira študentsko tehniško konferenco ŠTeKam. Namenjena je vsem študentom različnih smeri dodiplomskega in podiplomskega študija, ki želijo javnosti predstaviti svoja raziskovalna dela.
To je predloga za oddajo prispevka.
Exemple de rapport pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017.
Il y a surtout des exemples sur les différentes manières de composer des équations ainsi que comment introduire des portions de code Python pour illustrer son propos.
NB: le script TeXcount pourra vous être utile car il permet de compter les mots utilisés dans chaque section d'un document LaTeX. Vous en trouverez une version en ligne à l'adresse
Il suffit d'y copier l'ensemble du document (via Ctrl-A/Ctrl-C puis Ctrl-V dans la fenêtre idoine) pour obtenir le récapitulatif tout en bas de la page qui s'ouvre alors.
(You can also get the word count in Overleaf by clicking on "Word Count" at the top of the file list panel.)