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The complete business report acts as proposal ending with a decision on whether the idea is viable or not. A positive conclusion will lead to a suggestion of further investigation within this field. Present day wind turbine faces plenty of maintenances, issues and blade failures, all these problems together are difficult to handle and thereby very costly. That is why this report aims to come up with an idea solution to detect manufacturing errors and faults before installing the wind turbine blades. This business report aims to investigate whether a Manufacturing Scanner has the ability to detect errors and faults in new wind turbine blades. In addition the business report examines if the idea based on a Net Present Value calculation along with a budget is economically beneficial. The business report includes a technical description of an x-ray scanner, materials in wind turbine blades and software detection of anomalies. A business plan is conducted to determine whether the Manufacturing Scanner is a viable business opportunity. The business plan consists of a market analysis, which includes a supply chain, positioning, pricing and customer segments, and furthermore a budget, including a Net Present Value and business case. Based on the investigated areas and the final conclusion, the idea seems viable. The scanner is possible to produce at a reasonable price, the project is economically beneficial and there is a present market potential.

Template do documento gerado para uso na disciplina de Projeto Dirigido, obrigatória do Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia. Dúvidas, sugestões ou críticas? Contate b.focassio@aluno.ufabc.edu.br ou alexandre.o@aluno.ufabc.edu.br

Textbausteine aus der Broschüre "Patientenverfügung" Herausgeber: Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz berücksichtigt die Vorgaben des BGH-Beschlusses (XII ZB 61/16) vom 06.07.2016 Textbausteine zur Broschüre "Patientenverfügung" im Word-Format (abgerufen am 04.10.2016)

Esta ilustración representa el símbolo que se halla en la franja central de la bandera de India, denominado Ashoka Chakra que es una representación del 'dharmachakra' ('la rueda de la religión', en idioma sánscrito), la cual consta de 24 radios que representan una hora del día. La rueda representa la prevalencia de la justicia durante las 24 horas del día. Los detalles técnicos de la Ashoka Chakra aparecen en la norma india IS-1 de 1968, refrendada en el año 2003. El archivo se halla en la página https://law.resource.org/pub/in/bis/S12/is.1.1968.pdf (pp. 13-14)

Copyright 2011 by Keck-Voon LING <ekvling@ntu.edu.sg> (1 Feb 2011) A stripped-down theme for beamer, for an "imperfect" clone of the NTU PowerPoint template. Downloaded from https://ntulearn.ntu.edu.sg/bbcswebdav/users/ekvling/Public/latex/index.html Revision history: v1.0: 2010/01/24, Initial creation

Requirements Specification layout

This is the new and updated M.Sc. thesis template for Tampere University of Technology from POP, in use since 2015. [Downloaded 25 September 2016] Note that you must choose either Finnish or English here and there in this file. Please compile with XeLaTeX for better handling of UTF-8 characters, especially with lstlisting that contain UTF-8 characters.

This example demonstrates how to write polyphonic or instrumental music on Overleaf, using M-Tx (.mtx) syntax. This was made possible with a custom latexmkrc file. The music piece examples here were taken from the M-Tx documentation.

RMIT SPACE POSTER based on the a0poster Portrait Poster The a0poster class was created by: Gerlinde Kettl and Matthias Weiser (tex@kettl.de) License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Author/Designer: Timothy Kodikara Note: CRC and SERC logos are included in the /figures folder if you might want to use them.
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