overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Use this template to prepare manuscript submissions for International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology (IJSRA). See https://github.com/LukasCBossert/ijsra for submission. [Updated 21 Sept, 2016]

Version 2.0

This is the template for LaTeX submissions to eLife. You can use Overleaf to write and collaborate online in LaTeX using the template. Once your article is complete, you can submit directly to eLife using the ‘Submit to eLife’ option in the Overleaf editor. The leading scientists behind eLife are committed to rapid, fair, and constructive review. Before you submit your work, please note that eLife is a very selective journal that aims to publish work of the highest scientific standards and importance. For more information on how to write in LaTeX using Overleaf, see this video tutorial, or our free online course. Version: v1.11 elife.cls; v1.2 vancouver-elife.bst

Template for reports written at SKDE in Tromsø. Feb. 15 2017: Minor modifications, use lualatex instead of pdflatex, added disclaimer text from NPR, use biblatex instead of bibtex.

Diese Vorlage eignet sich für sprachliche W-Seminararbeiten an Gymnasien. Diese Vorlage ist so übersichtlich gestaltet, sodass der Schüler in der Datei Arbeit.tex nur seinen Inhalt schreibt. Die Präambel und das Titelblatt sind ausgelagert. In der Datei bausteine.tex finden sich Bausteine, die durch Copy/Paste in das Dokument übernommen werden können. Dies ersetzt aber nicht immer ein Nachschlagen in der Literatur oder im Internet... Angepasst für XeLaTeX 2022 Viel Spaß!

Modelo UNISINOS para qualificação do Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia Elétrica baseado no abtex2-modelo-trabalho-academico.tex, v-1.9.5. Copyright 2012-2015.

Modelo UNISINOS para teses e dissertacoes baseado no abtex2-modelo-trabalho-academico.tex, v-1.9.5 Copyright 2012-2015. Modelo de Trabalho Acadêmico (tese de doutorado, dissertação de mestrado e trabalhos monográficos em geral) em conformidade com ABNT NBR 14724: Informação e documentação - Trabalhos acadêmicos - Apresentação.

Clean, Simple, Elegant Clean Thesis is a LaTeX style for thesis documents, developed for my diploma thesis (Diplomarbeit). The style can be understood as my personal compromise — a typical clean looking scientific document combined and polished with minor beautifications. The design of this Clean Thesis style is inspired by user guide documents from Apple Inc. Note: If you are looking for an exact and correct style regarding typographic rules, please have a look at the "Classic Thesis Style". Donation = Postcard Based on the idea of André Miede: If you like the Clean Thesis style I would be very pleased about a donation in the form of a POSTCARD. You can find my address at the *Clean Thesis* website as well as in the documentation. I am going to collect all postcards and exhibit them at the website I mentioned. Idea and Inspiration The idea of providing my customized style for thesis documents passed through my mind while writing my own thesis. Motivated and inspired by the superb Classic Thesis Style by André Miede (thanks to André for doing a great job) I decided to collect all design and style related functionality in a separate LaTeX style and provide this style to other thesis writers. README.md Copyright 2015 R. Langner

McMaster Masters/Doctoral Thesis LaTeX Template Version 2.2 (11/23/15) This template has been downloaded from: LaTeXTemplates.com Then subsequently from Overleaf Version 2.0 major modifications by: Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) Original authors: Steven Gunn and Sunil Patel Modified to McMaster format by Benjamin Furman License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
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