overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

basado en https://github.com/LaTeXUy/UdelaRTeX Repositorio NO OFICIAL de clase de LaTeX para tesis de posgrado de UdelaR Universidad de la República de Uruguay Objetivo El objetivo inicial de esta clase era tener un template de latex que permita facilitar el trabajo de escritura de la tesis de cada estudiante de posgrado de UdelaR. Advertencia Por el momento, esta clase de LaTeX no es Oficial, es decir que no tiene implementados estilos aprobados por la UdelaR.

本模板是北京电子科技学院(简称电科院)的幻灯片模板,我在Singapore Management University (SMU) Beamer Presentation Template的基础上,添加了对中文的支持,并修改了颜色。

This is an English-language template for students' essays and synopses based on GOST 7.32-2017. Originally prepared in accordance with the recommendations from the academic and teaching staff of ITMO University for students of technical and natural sciences. The template is created for XeLaTeX compiler, and the bibliography is assembled by biber. The template works well in Overleaf, and it has been also tested on Windows 11 in combination MikTeX + TeXstudio.

bachelor/master thesis template for earth system sciences at Uni Hamburg especially for designed for Msc. ICSS

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ) Poster Template

A Beamer presentation template with the official logo and colors of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, CS department (unofficial). Based on the Czech Technical University Theme. On GitHub: https://github.com/sabirdvd/LaTeX-template-for-UPC-thesis-

Template for a title page and corresponding format for a master thesis of joint degrees at UvA and VU

The National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations (OTDK) of Hungary is the most significant scientific event for Bachelor and Master students in the country, where students compete with their research papers in all field of science. It is organized in every 2 years. The conference / competition has 2 rounds: a university level and a country level (for the best papers). This class template enforces the required formatting rules for TDK theses and generates the cover and title page given on the provided metadata. The formatting rules are defined to meet the requirements for TDK theses submitted at the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics (Budapest, Hungary). This also fits the formatting requirements of the Computer Science Section of the country level round. The template supports producing both Hungarian and English theses.

This is a template for `liuthesis`, a modern class for writing a thesis for PhD, Licenciate, Master, or Bachelor (plus some more) at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden. The version in the gallery is submitted 20230118. The latest version can always be found on GitLab. `liuthesis` is constantly being developed, so go to (https://gitlab.ida.liu.se/olale55/liuthesis) to get the latest version. The following options are recognized by the liuthesis document class - `phd` - For doctoral dissertations - `lic` - For licentiate theses - `msc` - For Masters' theses (default) - `bachelor` - For Bachelors' theses - `hu` - For the medical sciences (experimental) - `filfak` - For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - `lith` - For LiTH (default) - `exhibitpage` - Produce an exhibit page (spikblad) and no thesis. Use this option to produce an exhibit page only for Licentiate/PhD dissertations.
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