overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Homework Assignment Article LaTeX Template Version 1.3.1 (ECL) (08/08/17)

Adaptive CV allows to compile different variants of a CV (e.g., a résumé and an extended CV) from a single LaTeX source. It is particularly suitable for academic CVs but flexible enough to be used with any CVs. https://github.com/alessandrorossini/adcv

Use this template if you write your thesis or seminar paper at the chair of microeconomics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

This version of the template includes the TU Chemnitz logo on all pages and is pre setup with the official TU Chemnitz color. If you wish to remove the logo, you may do so within the template, or by starting from this version. To download this template for use offline, please click the download button and save the zip file to your computer.

Short template for a report

PhD Thesis template for VIT university This is the template offered by university

TEMPLATE PARA TRABALHO DE CONCLUSÃO DE CURSO Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR Customização da classe abnTeX2 para as normas da UTFPR Projeto hospedado em: Autores: Diego Marczal Michael Vornes https://github.com/mvornes

An attempt to fulfill the format required by the Rio Pipeline 2017 Conference.

A thesis template for the IT & Cognition students at the university of Copenhagen
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