overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Title: SOP LaTeX Template Author: Soonho Kong / soonhok@cs.cmu.edu Created: 2012-11-12 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~soonhok/latex-template-for-statement-of-purpose.html

For submission of articles to Judgment and Decision Making

This example demonstrates how the chemnum package can be used to automatically number compounds in reaction schemes created with ChemDraw (saved as .eps files). While the chemstyle/chemscheme package can also be used, its author recommends the use of chemnum as it's deemed to be clearer. Ideally, the ChemDraw-generated .eps files should contain "TMP1", "TMP2" etc as temporary markers, which will then be replaced with automatically incrementing compound counters using the \replacecmpd command. Set your Overleaf project's compiler to be LaTeX (required for .eps images) when using this method.

Sample file for Massey University theses (using muthesis) Use this as the base for your thesis, and then add the various chapters in using \include lines

Obtained from C496

Template para completar el formulario de solicitud de horas de cálculo al Sistema Nacional de Computación de Alto Desempeño.

University of Illinois Electrical and Computer Engineering Thesis Template

Minimal-Resume is a one-column and clean resume template for professional usage. License: MIT [Downloaded 26 Sep 2016 from https://github.com/RatulSaha/Minimal-Resume]

In English: This is a Latex template for São Paulo Research Foudation (FAPESP) reports (annual or final). This is the modified version of the original Latex template from following website. Original Source: http://www.howtotex.com For information about FAPESP, check http://www.fapesp.br/en This template targets mainly on reports in Portuguese language. New additions and changes in the latest version: Added the possibility of including multiple members in the research team, with the commands \memberA{Name of Member A} \memberB{Name of Member B} \memberC{Name of Member C} etc. Included commands to define project modality and the research agency (if you want to use the same model for other research agencies such as CAPES, CNPq etc). In Portuguese: Este é um modelo Latex para relatórios (anual ou final) da Fundação de Amparo à pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). Esta é uma versão modificada do modelo Latex do site supra mencionado. Para informações sobre a FAPESP, verifique http://www.fapesp.br Esse modelo foca principalmente nos relatórios escritos em Português. Novas adições e alterações na última versão: Foi adicionada a possibilidade de incluir vários membros no grupo de pesquisas, com os comandos \membroA{Nome do Membro A} \membroB{} \membroC{} etc. Foram incluídos comandos para definir modalidade de projeto e agência de fomento (caso queira utilizar o mesmo modelo para outras agências, CAPES, CNPq etc). Author/Autor: André Leon Sampaio Gradvohl, Dr. Email: andre.gradvohl@gmail.com Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9343261628675642 GitHub: http://gradvohl.github.io/ Last update/Última versão: 19/Feb/2018
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