Thanks for making #FuturePub 7 an amazing night!
John · May 13, 2016I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who attended #FuturePub 7 for making it such a great event -- there were a lot of on point questions and discussion, and it was great to see such a large group make it to the pub afterwards :)
The presentations were a core part of the evening, and so thanks of course go to our speakers. They each gave a fantastic and engaging talk, and kept the audience interested and amused throughout! Their slides are available at the links below if you'd like a recap:
Reimagining scientific news: How user research led to an entire product redesign, by Sybil Wong and Mimi Keshani
Peercog: Peer-to-peer recognition from author to reviewer, by Laura Harvey
Peer to Peer Science, by James Littlejohn
Automating peer review for research, by Daniel Shanahan
Peerwith - connecting experts, by Joris van Rossum
- Publishing Research Ideas and Outcomes, by Ross Mounce
Citizen Science, Open Science & scientific publication, by Muki Haklay