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Contenido: Números Racionales Conjunto de los números Irracionales Las Fracciones Clasificación Adición y sustracción Multiplicación División Potenciación Propiedades Signos de una potencia Potencias de exponente negativo Potencias de fracciones Potencias fraccionarias de exponente negativo Radicación Valor absoluto Inecuaciones Inecuaciones de primer grado Polinomios Tipos Valor numérico de un polinomio Productos notables Análisis combinatorio Permutaciones Combinaciones Logaritmos Logaritmos decimales Logaritmos neperianos o naturales Derivadas Bibliografía

My Resume

Understanding the origins of wealth inequality is critical in the debate over what, if anything, to do about it. In this note, we propose a simple model which is still rich enough to reproduce observed patterns of wealth inequality. We call it the Concentrated Asset Betting (CAB) model. A key element of CAB is a phenomenon known in the gambling world as “over-betting the edge.” The model we propose is based on the observation that a high fraction of investors have experienced sub-par growth in their savings, after allowing for consumption and philanthropy, relative to the tremendous long-term growth in the public stock market. Some of the reasons put forward to explain the shortfall in investor returns include investment fees, commissions and taxes. Our model suggests there may be something even larger and more insidious at work – pervasive and systematically poor money management.

Trabalho apresentado na Disciplina: Modelagem de Modelos Matemáticos no CEFET-MG Unidade Timóteo/MG

This article documents the refman package for formatting technical reference manuals. refman provides the following document classes: report-style refrep article-style refart Source: refman package on CTAN. This article was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

Danilo Plazas Irreño Hoja de Vida

Niranjan Kamath's Resume

Aayush Chugh's CV

Comparative study of linear classifiers in the context of text classification
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