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It's best suited for those who will apply abroad for higher studies. Created with the Modern CV template ("banking" style).

Personal CV Created based on the Modern CV template with the bankingstyle

Intern CV Created based on the Modern CV template

目的: 熟悉分析實驗數據的方法,測量並分析誤差。 學習有效數的處理。 了解螺旋測微器(Micrometer)的操作方式並用以測定微小物體的厚度或直徑等。 了解游標尺(Vernier caliper)的操作方式並用以測量塑膠管的深度及內、外徑。

Math336 Project

My Curriculum Vitae (English Version)

I have shown here how to derive the summation of a convergent Arithmetic series and get two results as answers

The project aims to guide students and working professionals who are looking for direction towards choosing a career path, more interactively. Higher focus is laid on STEM viz. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and many dimensions such as future career, occupation growth, employment and wages etc. were considered for the analysis. The project emphasizes on good development practices that help its readers grasp the crux of each dimension easily, by looking at visualizations on each page. The website provides an overview of STEM work, analyzing nearly 100 occupations, including data showing selected STEM occupations with the most employment and projected job openings and growth.

Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar e detalhar a construção de um conversor buck-boost. Cuja a função deste é converter uma tensão cc (corrente contínua) de entrada, em outra tensão cc em sua saída, de valor mais elevado ou inferior dependendo de sua configuração. Destaca-se aqui o uso de um semi condutor MOSFET que funciona como uma chave controladora. Na elabiração deste está destacada o funcionamento, principais características e toda a parte de simulação e comprovação prática deste conversor.
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