% Exam Template Probability and Statistics courses
% Using Philip Hirschhorn's exam.cls: http://www-math.mit.edu/~psh/#ExamCls
% run pdflatex on a finished exam at least three times to do the grading table on front page.
% These lines can probably stay unchanged, although you can remove the last
% two packages if you're not making pictures with tikz.
% \printanswers % <========= Comment this to print exam without answers
%\newcommand{\gradingnote}[1]{\hfill {\color{red} \textit{Grading note: } #1}}
\RequirePackage{amssymb, amsfonts, amsmath, latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, graphicx}
\usepackage{multirow, hhline, array, arydshln, blkarray}
\usepackage{hhline, bigstrut}
%\usepackage{calculator, calculus}
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, plotmarks}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
% By default LaTeX uses large margins. This doesn't work well on exams; problems
% end up in the "middle" of the page, reducing the amount of space for students
% to work on them.
%patch the exam package and change the format of the grade table.
% ======================================
% Here's where you edit the Class, Exam, Date, etc.
\newcommand{\term}{Semester II Academic Year 2020-2021}
\newcommand{\classtitle}{\quad Big Data Application}
\newcommand{\examiner}{Qin Zhang}
\newcommand{\examnum}{Final Exam}
\newcommand{\timelimit}{\qquad 120 Minutes}
\newcommand{\class}{\classcode -- \classtitle}
%% == comment the following lines if needed
% \openbooktrue
% \opennotestrue
%% == define instructions
\item Write your name and student ID on the \textbf{bottom left corner of the first page}. Indicate \textbf{your ID} on the top left corner of each page.
\item Answer all questions in the space provided. Write \textbf{as many details as possible}. Unanswered questions receive \textbf{ZERO} marks.
\item \textbf{Organize your work}. Work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering might receive very little credit.
\item This is an \textbf{OPEN BOOK} exam.
% ======================================
% For an exam, single spacing is most appropriate
% \onehalfspacing
% \doublespacing
% For an exam, we generally want to turn off paragraph indentation
\parindent 0ex
% questions
%\qformat{Question \thequestion: \thequestiontitle\dotfill\thepoints}
\qformat{{\bf Problem \thequestion}: (\thequestiontitle) \ \ [\totalpoints \ points] \hfill}
%\qformat{{\bf Problem \thequestion}: \ \ [\thepoints] \hfill}
\titledquestion{Question One}
\part[5] Sub-question 1
\choice Choice 1
\choice Choice 2
\CorrectChoice Choice 3
\CorrectChoice Choice 4
\part[10] Sub-question 2
Open end question
\titledquestion{Question Two}
\part[5] Sub-question 1
\choice Choice 1
\choice Choice 2
\CorrectChoice Choice 3
\choice Choice 4
\part[12] Sub-question 2
Open end question
% \ifprintanswers
% % do nothing
% \else %add empty page
% %add formula sheets
% \newpage
% \input{formulaSheet.tex}
% \addemptypage
% \fi