%This is a Beamer template for UT Austin, but it can easily be adjusted to fit your institution's color scheme.
%This is for compilation in XeLaTeX (adjust for this in the Overleaf menu on the left)!
\documentclass[10pt]{beamer} %adjust font size here. I think 12pt is too clunky.
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %for compilation in XeLaTeX
%global fonts
\usepackage{kpfonts} %for compilation in XeLaTeX
\setsansfont{Arial} %some other fonts for non-math (font must exist on your local drive). The beamer default is fine, I think.
%\setsansfont{Comic Sans MS} %I think it looks great
\usefonttheme[onlymath]{serif} % Use serif font for math equations
%global colors
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=gray!25}
\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{190,110,0} %adjust RGB triplet to your institution's color
%my must-have packages
\usepackage{xcolor} %font color
\usepackage{tkz-euclide} %mathcha.io for figure generation
\usepackage{braket} %quantum
\usepackage{hyperref} %links (it seems hidelinks is automatically turned on)
\usepackage{epigraph} %works well for quotes
%beautiful boxed equations
nobeforeafter, math upper, tcbox raise base,
enhanced, colframe=yellow!65!black,
colback=yellow!20, boxrule=1pt,
nobeforeafter, math upper, tcbox raise base,
enhanced, colframe=pink!75!black,
colback=pink!20, boxrule=1pt,
nobeforeafter, math upper, tcbox raise base,
enhanced, colframe=blue!65!black,
colback=blue!10, boxrule=1pt,
nobeforeafter, math upper, tcbox raise base,
enhanced, colframe=green!55!black,
colback=green!15, boxrule=1pt,
nobeforeafter, math upper, tcbox raise base,
enhanced, colframe=red!55!black,
colback=red!15, boxrule=1pt,
%text boxes: adjust to your preference
skin first=enhanced,
skin middle=enhanced,
skin last=enhanced,
]{colframe=orange!65!black,colback=orange!17,fonttitle=\bfseries, boxrule=1pt, colbacktitle=orange!85!black,enhanced,
attach boxed title to top center={yshift=-2mm},
skin first=enhanced,
skin middle=enhanced,
skin last=enhanced,
]{colframe=blue!65!black,colback=blue!10,fonttitle=\bfseries, boxrule=1pt, colbacktitle=blue!85!black,enhanced,
attach boxed title to top center={yshift=-2mm},
%User-defined commands (Replace these with your own preferences)
%vector and tensor symbols:
\newcommand{\tensor}[1]{\underline{\boldsymbol{#1}}} %may need to change to renewcommand.
%even and odd:
\newcommand{\even}{^{\mathrm{e}}} %even quantity in wavenumber
\newcommand{\odd}{^{\mathrm{o}}} %odd quantity in wavenumber
%micros/meso/macro-related subscripts
\newcommand{\s}{_\mathrm{s}} %scattered quantity subscript
\title{\Large Title}
\author{Author Name\footnote{\texttt{author\_email@author\_email\_addres.com}}}
\date{Occasion, Location\\ \today}
\centering \footnotesize{Applied Research Laboratories \& The University of Texas at Austin}\\
\centering \includegraphics[scale=0.088]{ARL.png}
It is good to identify the main objective(s) of the work. You can use colors to do so.
\item We will cover \color{cyan}covers blah blah blah \color{black}
\item Then we will see that \color{magenta}blah blah blah blah \color{black}
\epigraph{A place for everything,\\and everything in its place}{---Mother}
\item I like to include quotes as shown above using \texttt{epigraph}.
\item Nonlinear terms can be added to right-hand side
\Laplacian p - \frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial t^2} = \Order({\epsilon^2})
%environment for aligned equations in a box
\begin{tcolorbox}[ams align, width=6.5cm, colback=blue!10, colframe=blue!65!black]
\div u + \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} &= 0 \label{co}\tag*{continuity}\\
\grad P + \frac{\partial \rho u}{\partial t} &= 0 \label{mo}\tag*{momentum}
\item Nonlinearities can be included by using the exact \ref{co} and \ref{mo} equations
\item Viscosity, heat conduction, and other lossy mechanisms not shown above
\item Parts of equations can also be highlighted:
\tcbset{highlight math style={enhanced,%<-- needed for the `remember' options
\tcbhighmath[remember as=fx]{f(x)}
&= \int\limits_{1}^{x} \frac{1}{t^2}~dt
= \left[ -\frac{1}{t} \right]_{1}^{x}\\
&= -\frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{1}\\
&= \tcbhighmath[remember,overlay={%
\draw[blue,very thick,->] (fx.south) to[bend right] ([yshift=2mm]frame.west);}]
\item What is the relationship between QM and acoustics?
i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\ket{\Psi} = \mathcal{H}\ket{\Psi}
\begin{tcbraster}[size=fbox, %other good sizes are fbox, tight, small
fonttitle=\bfseries\ttfamily,center title,drop fuzzy shadow]
\tcbincludegraphics[title=Lightning bolt]{lightning.jpeg} \tcbincludegraphics{traffic_jam.jpeg}
\item You learned this
\item And you learned this
\item But we didn't get to talk about this
\item Next time we'll talk about this
\item Funding source 1
\item Funding source 2
\centering \footnotesize{Applied Research Laboratories \& The University of Texas at Austin}\\
\centering \includegraphics[scale=0.088]{ARL.png}