%This thesis template is a modified version of "https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/university-of-melbourne-thesis-template/ngytrznvqbcg"
%It follows the rules specific in "https://gradresearch.unimelb.edu.au/processes/preparation-of-graduate-research-theses" as of October 2024.
%IMPORTANT: For changing the first page details
%go to Thesis.cls lines "193--227" and enter your details.
%Add figures inside "Figures" directory.
%For the rest of the pages, everything is self-explanatory.
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{Thesis}
\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib}
\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, colorlinks=true}
\addresses {\school \\ \univname}
\date {\normalsize{\today}}
\subject {}
\keywords {}
% The Abstract Page
\clearpage % Abstract ended, start a new page
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% Declaration Page required for the Thesis, your institution may give you a different text to place here
\clearpage % Declaration ended, now start a new page
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% Preface Page required for the Thesis, your institution may give you a different text to place here
\clearpage % Preface ended, now start a new page
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% The Acknowledgements page, for thanking everyone
\setstretch{1.3} % Reset the line-spacing to 1.3 for body text (if it has changed)
\clearpage % End of the Acknowledgements
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\pagestyle{fancy} %The page style headers have been "empty" all this time, now use the "fancy" headers as defined before to bring them back
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\lhead{\emph{Contents}} % Set the left side page header to "Contents"
\tableofcontents % Write out the Table of Contents
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\lhead{\emph{List of Figures}} % Set the left side page header to "List if Figures"
\listoffigures % Write out the List of Figures
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\lhead{\emph{List of Tables}} % Set the left side page header to "List of Tables"
\listoftables % Write out the List of Tables
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\setstretch{1.5} % Set the line spacing to 1.5, this makes the following tables easier to read
\clearpage % Start a new page
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\mainmatter % Begin normal, numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering
\pagestyle{fancy} % Return the page headers back to the "fancy" style
%%the .tex files you see inside "Chapters" directory go here. Feel free to add as many chapters you want; its your thesis. :)
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% Now begin the Appendices, including them as separate files
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{2em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
\appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following 'chapters' are Appendices
\input{Appendices/AppendixA} % Appendix Title
\input{Appendices/AppendixB} % Appendix Title
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{2em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
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\lhead{\emph{Bibliography}} % Change the left side page header to "Bibliography"
\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} % Use the "unsrtnat" BibTeX style for formatting the Bibliography
\bibliography{Bibliography} % The references (bibliography) information are stored in the file named "Bibliography.bib"
\end{document} % The End
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