% This file (seniorthesis-main.tex) is the main file for a senior thesis.
\documentclass [seniorthesis] {udthesis}
% preamble
% Include graphicx package for the example image used
% Use LaTeX->PDF if including graphics such as .jpg, .png or .pdf.
% Use LaTeX->PS->PDF if including graphics such as .ps or .eps
% Best practice to not specify the file extension for included images,
% so when LaTeX is building it will look for the appropriate image type.
% This file (seniorthesis-tap.tex) contains the Title
% and Approval Page information for a senior thesis.
\include{chap1} % This file (chap1.tex) contains the text
% for Chapter 1.
\include{chap2} % This file (chap2.tex) contains the text
% for Chapter 2.
\include{ref} % This file (ref.tex) contains the text
% for references.
%\include{bib} % This file (bib.tex) contains the text
% for a bibliography.
%\include{bibtex} % This file (bibtex.tex) contains the text
% for a bibliography if using BibTeX with
% sample.bib
%\include{app} % This file (app.tex) contains the text
% for one Appendix.
\include{appA} % This file (appA.tex) contains the text
% for Appendix A.
\include{appB} % This file (appB.tex) contains the text
% for Appendix B.