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% Ho scritto come eseguire alcune delle principali azioni in Latex.
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% Sono consapevole che mancano moltissime cose ma insomma non potevo riportare tutta una tesi di formule e operazioni per mostrarvi come fare e che cazzo.
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% Mathematics
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\usepackage{pdfpages} % For including cover page
% Tables
% References and Citations
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\usepackage{emptypage} % For non-numbered pages
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\usepackage{makeidx} % For creating an index
\usepackage{tocbibind} % To include bibliography in the Table of Contents
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%%%%% COVER PAGE %%%%%
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\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=center, inner sep= 0pt]
\textsc{Università degli Studi di Trieste}\\
\textsc{Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche - DEAMS}\\
Corso di Laurea in Quello Che Vi Pare a Voi \\
\vfill %%\vspace{3cm}
\textsc{Tesi di laurea triennale}\\
\vfill %%\vspace{3cm}
\textbf{\textsc{Derivatives Pricing and Strategies:\\A Focus On Agricultural Commodities}}\\
%%%%%% Qui va inserito il nome del laureando
\textbf{Pietro Bettini}\\
\textsc{Matricola: EC12062002}
%%%%%% Qui va inserito il nome del relatore
Relatore: \\
\textbf{Prof. Nico Zanusso} \\
Correlatore: \\
\textbf{Prof. Fabrizio Riccio}
%%%%% DEDICATION %%%%%
\textit{A Francesca}
%%%%% Examples of chapters
This chapter is on how to upload an image and refer to it. See figure \ref{fig:GBM}. Of course you gotta add some text otherwise the page will be empty and the figure will be automatically placed at the top or at the bottom of the page.
% This is how to upload an image
\includegraphics[scale=0.65]{GBM comparison.pdf}
\caption{Comparison between low variance (left) and high variance (right) Geometric Brownian Motion.}
\section{This is how to upload a figure}
\subsection{And refer to a figure}
\chapter{How to create a table}
\section{How to cite a table}
This is how to create a table, and cite a table. See table \ref{tab:table3}.
\scriptsize % remove this if you want a larger table
Commodity & Product Code & Price Quotation & Contract size & \\ \hline
Class III Milk & DC/DA & U.S. dollars and cents per cwt & 2,000 cwt & \\
Class IV Milk & GDK/DK & U.S. dollars and cents per cwt & 2,000 cwt & \\
Non-fat Dry Milk & GNF & U.S. cents per pound & 44,000 lb & \\
Dry Whey & DY & U.S. cents per pound & 44,000 lb & \\
Cash-settled Butter & CB & U.S. cents per pound & 20,000 lb & \\
Cash-Settled Cheese & CSC & U.S. dollars and cents per pound & 20,000 lb & \\
\caption {Dairy. \\
Author’s elaborations based on data from CME group.}
\section{Now that you see the table}
\subsection{You can copy it}
Of course you gotta add some text otherwise the page will be empty and the table will be automatically placed at the top or at the bottom of the page.
\chapter{I sette nani}
This chapter is completely useless.
\section{Mammolo Eolo}
\subsubsection{Non me li ricordo}
\section{Jeremy Clarkson}
\section{James May}
\section{Richard Hammond}
\chapter{Other Stuff}
\section{How to draw a binomial tree.}
This chapter shows how you can create a recombiant binomial tree.
\matrix (tree) [%
matrix of nodes,
minimum size=0.3cm,
column sep=0.3cm,
row sep=0.3cm,
& & & & $\empty$ &\\
& & & $Su^{3}$ & $\empty$ &\\
& & $Su^{2}$ & & $\empty$ &\\
& $Su$ & & $Su^{2}d$& $\empty$ &\\
S & & $Sud$ & & $\empty$ &...&\\
& $Sd$ & & $Sud^{2}$& $\empty$ &\\
& & $Sd^{2}$ & & $\empty$ &\\
& & & $Sd^{3}$ & $\empty$ &\\
& & & & $\empty$ &\\
\draw[->] (tree-5-1) -- (tree-4-2) node [midway,above] {\empty};
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\draw[->] (tree-4-2) -- (tree-5-3) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-6-2) -- (tree-5-3) node [midway,above] {\empty};
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\draw[->] (tree-3-3) -- (tree-2-4) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-3-3) -- (tree-4-4) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-5-3) -- (tree-4-4) node [midway,above] {\empty};
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\draw[->] (tree-7-3) -- (tree-6-4) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-7-3) -- (tree-8-4) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-2-4) -- (tree-1-5) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-2-4) -- (tree-3-5) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-4-4) -- (tree-3-5) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-4-4) -- (tree-5-5) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-6-4) -- (tree-5-5) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-6-4) -- (tree-7-5) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-8-4) -- (tree-7-5) node [midway,above] {\empty};
\draw[->] (tree-8-4) -- (tree-9-5) node [midway,below] {\empty};
\caption{Markov process evolution}
\section{How to make a bullet list.}
To better understand the pricing models let's first introduce some statistical concepts. Brownian motion $W_t$ is a stochastic process with four main features:
\item Starts at time $t$: $W_0 = 0$;
\item $W_t$ is continuous in time;
\item $W_t$ increments (the differences $X(t)-X(s)$ between two intervals in time $t$ and $s$) are independent;
\item $W_t - W_s \sim \mathcal{N}(0, s-u), (\forall 0 < s < t) $
%%%%% aggiungi lessico
Here you can write your glossary.
Un grazie che non può essere taciuto va a Luigi Magliocchi, faro nel buio di UniTs.