% LaTeX template for a Course Outline Template for the
% Department of Computer Science and Engineering
% at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)
% Written By: Muhammad Abul Hasan, PhD
% Date Updated: February 20, 2021 (v1.0)
% For any comments or suggestions: muhammad.hasan@ulab.edu.bd
% Set your course particulars
\def\courseTeacher{your name}
\def\term{Spring 2021}
\def\courseTitle{Data Communication and Computer Networks}
\def\courseCode{CSE 309}
\def\classSchedule{Sun \& Tue: 8:30 AM -- 10:00 AM}
\def\contactNumber{+880-19 3675 ****}
\def\officeLoaction{Building: C, Room: 319}
\begin{tabular}{ l | l |}
Sun, Tue & 10:00 AM -- 1:00 PM\\ \hline
Mon, Wed & 11:30 AM -- 1:00 PM\\
{ulabblue}{~~\adforn{11}}~Also available by appointment}}
\def\date{\today} % For a specific date, use the following command
% \def\date{February 20, 2021}