% This is a CV template based on hipstercv. It has the added functionality of a timeline
% available options are: darkhipster, lighthipster, pastel, allblack, grey, verylight, bluebeige
\usepackage[margin=1cm, a4paper]{geometry}
%------------------------------------------------------------------ Variablen
\author{\LaTeX{} Ninja}
\date{March 2019}
\header{\bg{headerfontbox}{headerfontboxfont}{\LobsterTwo Captain} }{\bgupper{headerfontbox}{headerfontboxfont}{\bfseries\Huge Jack Sparrow}}{\bg{headerfontbox}{headerfontboxfont}{\large Pirate}}{jack.jpg}{headerblue}{3.5cm}{2cm}
% this needs to be here so paracol will start
%\backgroundcolor{c[1]}[rgb]{1,1,0.8} % cream yellow for column-1 %\backgroundcolor{g}[rgb]{0.8,1,1} % \backgroundcolor{l}[rgb]{0,0,0.7} % dark blue for left margin
% 0.9,0.9,0.9 -- 0.8,0.8,0.8
\bg{cvgreen}{white}{\LobsterTwo \huge Facts} \\
\bg{cvgreen}{white}{personal} \\
\faMale&Jack Sparrow \\
\faGlobe& nationality: English \\
\faBirthdayCake&1690 \\
\faMapMarker&on a ship \\
\bg{cvgreen}{white}{\LobsterTwo \huge Skills}
\begin{tabular}{l | ll}
\textbf{English} & C2 & {\phantom{x}\footnotesize mother tongue} \\
\textbf{French} & C2 & \pictofraction{\faCircle}{cvgreen}{3}{black!30}{1}{\tiny}
\bubblediagram{{\textbf{a pirate's} \\\textbf{life}}, the sea, pillaging, plundering, ships, stealing, hijacking, \textbf{The Black}\\ \textbf{Pearl}}
\hspace{3cm} \color{labelcolour}{OS:} \hspace{0.5em}\icon{\faWindows}{labelcolour}{\Large} \hspace{0.5em} \icon{\faLinux}{labelcolour}{\Large}
\bg{cvgreen}{white}{IT \& programming} \\
\begin{tabular}{r @{\hspace{0.5em}}l}
\bg{skilllabelcolour}{iconcolour}{html, css} & \barrule{0.4}{0.5em}{cvpurple}\\
\bg{skilllabelcolour}{iconcolour}{\LaTeX} & \barrule{0.55}{0.5em}{cvgreen} \\
\bg{skilllabelcolour}{iconcolour}{python} & \barrule{0.5}{0.5em}{cvpurple} \\
\bg{skilllabelcolour}{iconcolour}{R} & \barrule{0.25}{0.5em}{cvpurple} \\
\bg{skilllabelcolour}{iconcolour}{javascript} & \barrule{0.1}{0.5em}{cvpurple} \\
\phantom{turn the page}
\phantom{turn the page}
% arguments: start/end - end/start - "Scale: how many steps" - colour of the circles
% if directionality is mixed up, try switching start and end and recompile
% if items "fall out of the line", you might have to little "steps"/scale (up the number)
% if you need "too many", use scalebox to resize the whole timeline
% arguments: year - colour - date - label - (distance to top) - (angle to side)
% distance and angle can be used to arrange more items on the timeline manually
% bc otherwise, on a horizontal timeline, they will overlap almost immediately
\event{1709}{cvbeige}{03/04}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{4.5}{2}
\event{1711}{cvbeige}{17.09.}{Bucaneering along happily}{3.5}{2}
\event{1714}{cvbeige}{03/04}{Lost the ship}{2.5}{1}
\event{1717}{cvbeige}{17.09.}{Got the ship back}{1.5}{0.5}
% keep the items in order (by date) or it will cause problems
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Certified}{Tortuga Uni \color{headerblue}}{}{disney.png} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London \color{headerblue}}{}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{London \color{headerblue}}{}{medal.jpeg}
% usage \hobbyicon{<fontawesome icon}{Text}{background color of circle}{size of icon}{space text below icon}
\hobbyicon{\color{iconcolour}\faFlask}{Rhum}{cvgreen}{\iconsize}{2em} \hfill
\hobbyicon{\color{iconcolour}\faBook}{The Code}{cvorange}{\iconsize}{2em}
\hobbyicon{\color{iconcolour}\faComment}{Parler}{cvpurple}{\iconsize}{2em} \hspace{1em}
\section*{Certificates \& Grants}
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.55\textwidth}}
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company \\
1718 & Privateer's papers issued by the Crown
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.7\textwidth}}
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720). \\
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
% arguments: <line thickness> <colour> <size> <other colour> <label inside> <below> <where is the label> <percentage>
\progressarc{2mm}{headerblue}{0.7cm}{cvbeige}{\large 70\%}{Python}{below}{70} \hfill
\progressarc{2mm}{headerblue}{0.7cm}{cvbeige}{\large 85\%}{C++}{below}{85} \hfill
\progressarc{2mm}{headerblue}{0.7cm}{cvbeige}{\large 50\%}{Teamwork}{below}{50} \hfill
\progressarc{2mm}{headerblue}{0.7cm}{cvbeige}{\large 60\%}{Parler}{below}{60}
%\progressarc{2mm}{headerblue}{1cm}{cvbeige}{\large\bf \textbf{.cpp}}{Object-Oriented \\ Programming}{below}{40}
% you need some vspace so the sidebar will be filled in for the whole page
\vfill{} % Whitespace before final footer
\begin{center}\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont \color{black!70}
{\small Jack Sparrow \icon{\faEnvelopeO}{cvpurple}{} The Black Pearl \icon{\faMapMarker}{cvpurple}{} Tortuga \icon{\faPhone}{cvpurple}{} 0099/333 5647380 \newline\icon{\faAt}{cvpurple}{} \protect\url{jack@sparrow.com}