% This is a template for a thesis (bachelor or master)
% from CogSys Group of Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.
% Copyright: CogSys Group
% Last modification: 2021-07-26
%english,% if you're writing in English (default),
%german,% if you're writing in German
thesis% please do not delete or change this line!
% The following packages are loaded automatically. Do not load them
% manually as you might risk an option clash:
% -babel (heading translation and hyphenation)
% -natbib (citing, see www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf)
% -fancyhdr (headers and footers)
% -fontenc (output encoding)
% Set the encoding your tex-source is written in.
% Use utf8 if possible. Other options that might
% work for you are:
% latin1 (Unix/Linux oder Windows)
% ansinew (Windows)
% applemac (Mac)
%for tables
%for graphics
% For the online version enable hyperlinks
% Set informations about your thesis here %
\title{Your Title, e.g. Rule Learning for LaTeX Templates}
\subtitle{Your Subtitle, e.g. Comparing Different Learning Strategies}% optional
\author{Your Name, e.g. Zaphod Beeblebrox \matr{Your Matriculation Number}}
\degree{Your Course of Study, e.g. Applied Computer Science}
\supervisor{Prof.\,Dr.\,Ute Schmid}% most likely
% Start of content
% First set the title page
% Give a short summary of your thesis
A summary of your work, about half a page of length. An abstract should give the reader all relevant information about the paper in a nutshell: Topic, research question, method, results, evaluation of results.
% Set the table of contents
% And other tables/lists optionally
% Start the main work (handles page numbering etc.)
% Place your content here %
% %
% or even better: %
% use \input{chapters/chaptername} %
% for each chapter! %
% While writing your thesis it is advisable to only load the chapter you are currently working on. It decreases the compile time.
% 1. Chapter: ''Introduction''
% 2. Chapter: ''State of Research''
% 3. Chapter: ''Methods''
% 4. Chapter: ''Realisation and Evaluation''
% 5. Chapter: ''Conclusions and Future Work''
% The chapters Introduction and Conclusions have NO sections
% For the other chapters:
% Each sectioning (chapter, section, subsection, ...) should have NONE
% or AT LEAST TWO sub parts!
%\section{First Section}
%\subsection{First Subsection}
%\subsubsection{First Subsubsection}
%\paragraph{First Paragraph.} Some content for the first paragraph.
%\subparagraph{First Subparagraph.} Some content for the first subparagraph.
% Please note the dot after the paragraph and subparagraph heading. This is not accidently.
%Use bibtex for references to literature.
%The most references will be in the second chapter.
Some further recommendations: use diagrams, images and tables to illustrate your solution and results. If you do so, please add captions with citations whenever a resource was not created by you. For tables, it is a good style to not use horizontal lines. Some example table:
% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor}
\caption{Table according to (add citation)}
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\cellcolor[HTML]{C0C0C0}{\color[HTML]{000000} Some Table}} & {\color[HTML]{000000} A} & {\color[HTML]{000000} B} & {\color[HTML]{000000} C} & {\color[HTML]{000000} D} \\
A & x & & & \\
B & & & x & \\
C & & x & & x \\
Some example image:
\caption{The logo of your university}
% Make the references section
\bibliography{mybib} % According to the name of your bib file
% Start the appendix
% Place appendix content here %
% or use \input{appendix/appendixname} %
\chapter{First Appendix Chapter}
\section{First Appendix Section}
\subsection{First Appendix Subsection}
\subsubsection{First Appendix Subsubsection}
% TODO uncomment the next three lines if your thesis is wirtten in german
% \chapter*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
% \markboth{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
% TODO comment the next three lines if your thesis is written in german
\chapter*{Declaration of Authorship}
\markboth{Declaration of Authorship}{Declaration of Authorship}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Declaration of Authorship}
% TODO Change the declaration according as needed.
Ich erkläre hiermit gemä\ss\ \S~9 Abs.\,12 APO, dass ich die vorstehende {\thesistype}arbeit
selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt habe.
Des Weiteren erkläre ich, dass die digitale Fassung der gedruckten Ausfertigung
der {\thesistype}arbeit ausnahmslos in Inhalt und Wortlaut entspricht und zur Kenntnis
genommen wurde, dass diese digitale Fassung einer durch Software unterstützten,
anonymisierten Prüfung auf Plagiate unterzogen werden kann.
Bamberg, den \rule[-0.8em]{7em}{0.5pt}\\[2ex]
{Your name e.g. Walentina Tereschkowa-Nikolajewa}
% Finish content and document