% OPTIONAL: class options
% - bw: use black & white logo and link colors
% - english: use english for the report
% - slovak: use slovak for the report
% e.g. \documentclass[12pt, english, bw]
% MANDATORY: Set report & thesis types, student and thesis names.
\setReportType{reader} % 'reader' or 'consultant' or 'supervisor' or 'inter-reader'
\setThesisType{bc} % 'bc' or 'mgr' or 'phd'
\setThesisName{The Great Thesis} % can be multiline, just add '\newline'
\setStudent{John Doe}
% SELECTIVE: Set supervisor/consultant/reader names.
% Those not set will not be displayed
\setSupervisor{Mgr.\ Richard Roe, Ph.D.}
%\setConsultant{Ing.\ Maggie Lane}
\setReader{RNDr.\ John Smith}
%\setInterReader{RNDr.\ Mary Poppins, Ph.D.}
% OPTIONAL: Choose a custom signature (e.g. without tiles).
% If signature is not set, supervisor/reader name is taken.
\setSignature{John Smith}
% OPTIONAL: Set the date using \date{...}.
% If the date is not set, uses \today.
% \date{1. ledna 2017}
% Thesis report begin
% OPTIONAL: Use mark macros: \markExcellent, \markPassed, \markFailed
Z výše uvedených důvodů navrhuji hodnotit práci stupněm \markPassed.