% This is main.tex, uses LLNCS macro package for Springer Computer Science proceedings;
% Version 2.21 of 2022/01/12
%This document contains the structure of the thesis. Here, you can change the section titles and the order of the different sections. The content of the thesis should be added to the different .tex files in the 'Content' folder. References should be added to 'mybibliography.bib'.
% T1 fonts will be used to generate the final print and online PDFs,
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% Other font encondings may result in incorrect characters.
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% Used for overlaying pictures on title page.
% Used to define new colors
\list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax
% Defines a new environment for acknowledgements.
\list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax
% Overwrites environment for the abstract.
% Used to define table of contents.
textwidth=12.2cm, % llncs has 12.2cm
textheight=19.3cm, % llncs has 19.3cm
% Used to define the margins of the pages.
% Used for page numbering.
% Used for hyperlinking cross-referenced elements.
% ---- Abstract ----
\normalsize\begin{abstract} \normalsize
% ---- Acknowledgements ----
\begin{acknowledgement} \input{Content/Acknowledgement.tex}
% ---- Table of contents ----
% ---- Introduction ----
% ---- Literature Review ----
\section{Literature Review}
\input{Content/Literature Review.tex}
% ---- Methodology ----
% ---- Results ----
% ---- Discussion ----
% ---- Critical Reflection ----
\section{Critical Reflection}
\input{Content/Critical Reflection.tex}
% ---- Conclusion ----
% ---- Appendices ----
% ---- List of figures ----
% ---- List of tables ----
% ---- Bibliography ----
% Add your references to the file 'mybibliography.bib'. Then cite the references with the following command: \cite.
% BibTeX users should specify bibliography style 'splncs04'.
% References will then be sorted and formatted in the correct style.
\bibliography{mybibliography} \label{references}