% lmd style needs information bellow ======================================
\def\lmdauthor{First Author\sep Second Author \and Third Author}%Example:% First Author\sep Second Author \and Third Author
\def\lmdtitle{Title of Article}%Example:% Title of Article
\def\lmdtitleLT{Straipsnio pavadinimas}%Example:% Straipsnio pavadinimas
\def\lmdrunauthor{F. Author, S. Author, Th. Author}%Example:% F. Author, S. Author , Th. Author
\def\lmdruntitle{Runtitle of Article}%Example:% Runtitle of Article
\def\lmdkeywords{KeyW1EN; KeyW2EN; KeyW3EN;}
\def\lmdkeywordsLT{KeyW1LT; KeyW2LT; KeyW3LT;}
\def\lmdams{01AMS01; 01AMS02; 01AMS03}
\def\lmdabstractLT{Abstracto tekstas LT.}
\def\lmdabstract{Abstract text.}
% ************* Author's references ******************%
% ************* end Author's references ******************%
\spnewtheorem*{west}{Test the West}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
\def\BibTeX{\mbox{{\sc Bib}\TeX}}}{}
% ************* Author's definitions ******************%************ Author's definitions ******************%
% ************* end Author's definitions ******************%
% \sep \and Trečias Autorius
%\thankstext{t1}{Title thanks}
%add runauthor at beginning of Your file
%add runtitle at beginning of Your file
%add title at beginning of Your file
%add add all authors at beginning of Your file
\title{\lmdtitle\thanks{Thanks}}%Example:% \mmatitle\thanks{Padėka}
\author{First Author${}^{a}\COR{\lmdcorresp}\ID{0000-0000-0000-0000}$ \sep Second Author${}^{b}$ \and
Third Author${}^{b}$}%Example:% First Author${}^{a}\COR{\mmacorresp}\ID{0000-0000-0000-0000}$ \sep Second Author${}^{b}$ \and Last Author${}^{b}$
\vskip 0.2cm
\institution{${}^a$Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, Lithuania\RORID{03nadee84}}
\institution{${}^b$Institute of Mathematics, Vilnius University, Lithuania}
\vskip 0.2cm
\reci{January 1, 20XX}
%\recii{1 June, 2010}{1 September, 2010}%
%\LMDJarticle %Editors version
%spell_from this point
\begin{abstract}\lmdabstract\end{abstract}%add abstract at beginning of Your file
\Keywords %add keywords at beginning of Your file
\AMSwords %add keywords at beginning of Your file
% ************* Text entry area ******************%
Article text \cite{articleID,BookID}.
%spell_to this point %********** End of text entry *****************%
% ---------------------------------------