\title[Template]{Template for the \texttt{aomart}
\address{A. T.\\
Paradise, Universe}
\author[A.T.]{A. U. Thor}
\fulladdress{Mathematical Department, AA 123\\
The Perfect University\\
Paradise, UY 22030}
\copyrightnote{\textcopyright~2008--2012 Adam Thor}
\thanks{Many people}
\keyword{Xxxx-Xxxx Yyyy-Yyyy}
\proposed{E. D. Itor}
\seconded{A. S. Sociate}
\corresponding{A. U. Thor}
This is a test file for \textsf{aomart} class based on the
\texttt{testmath.tex} file from the \textsf{amsmath} distribution.
It was changed to test the features of the Annals of Mathematics
This paper demonstrates the use of \texttt{aomart} class. It is based
on \texttt{testmath.tex} from \AmS-\LaTeX{} distribution. \subsection{Some remarks on this file}
As it appears, this file has line numbering on the right: this can be modified by changing the option in the command
\texttt{$\backslash$ documentclass[manuscript]{aomart}}
appearing in top of the preamble from \texttt{manuscript} to either \texttt{screen} (to have hyperlinks activated) or simply to nothing.
It is always a pleasure to cite Knuth~\cite{Knuth94:TheTeXbook}.
It is always a pleasure to cite Knuth~\cite{Knuth94:TheTeXbook}.