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% Sunset
% Author: Elena Botoeva
\usepackage[margin=0.3cm, paperwidth=10.6cm, paperheight=6.6cm]{geometry}
:Title: Sunset
:Tags: Clipping;Decorations;Fadings;Random;Decorative Drawings
:Author: Elena Botoeva
:Slug: sunset
Sunset over a line of mountains
\tikzfading[name=fade out, inner color=transparent!0,
outer color=transparent!100]
\clip (-5,-3) rectangle (5,3);
% the sky
\fill[blue!10!black] (-6,1) rectangle (6,3);
\fill[yellow] (-6,-3) rectangle (6,1);
\fill[inner color=blue!50!,outer color=blue!10!black] (-12,-6) rectangle (9,2);
% orange fadings
[postaction={path fading=north,fill=orange!80!yellow,opacity=0.6}]
(-7,-2.5) rectangle (7,-1.5);%
[postaction={path fading=north,fill=orange,opacity=0.8}]
(-7,-2.5) rectangle (7,-2);
% the line of mountains
decorate [decoration={random steps,segment length=3pt,amplitude=1pt}] %
{(-5,-2.25) -- (-3.5,-2.25)}%
decorate [decoration={random steps,segment length=5pt,amplitude=4pt}] %
{-- (-2.5,-2.25) -- (-1,-2.25)}%
decorate [decoration={random steps,segment length=3pt,amplitude=1pt}] %
{-- (-1,-2.25) -- (5,-2.25)}%
-- (5,-3) -- (-5,-3) -- (-5,-2.25);
% a planet or a star
\draw[color=white] (3.6,1) circle (0.005);