\title{Contribution Title\thanks{Supported by organization x.}}
First Author\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-1111-2222-3333}
Second Author\inst{2,3}\orcidID{1111-2222-3333-4444}
Third Author\inst{3}\orcidID{2222--3333-4444-5555}
Dummy University, Nowhere, Spain\\
Great University, Nowhere, Spain\\
Dummy Institute, Nowhere, Spain\\
\keywords{keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, ...}
%% Specify where this paper was published
% For journal papers, uncomment the command below indicating the journal name, volume, issue, pages and year
\publishedin{Journal name, Vol. X, Issue Y, No. Z, pp. xx--yy, YEAR}
% For conference papers, uncomment the command below indicating the acronym of the conference, year, proceedings name, and pages
%\publishedin{Acronym YEAR - Proceedings of full conference name, pp. XXX--YYY, YEAR.}
%% Specify impact information of your publication.
%% Below, you can find some templates that may be used to justify the impact of your publication
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%% that allows verifying the quality of your work according to the CoARA principles (https://coara.eu/coalition/guiding-principles/)
% For journal papers, uncomment the command below indicating the JCR IF, quartile, position, and area
\impact{JCR X.XX - QX - Position: XX/YY - Area: Area / Subarea}
% For conferences, uncomment the command below indicating the GGS class
%\impact{GII-GRIN-SCIE Class X (Rating)}
% If your conference does not require to provide impact information, you can just remove the
% the \impact{...} commands above
% Here, the abstract