Simple Professional CV
Lilanath Ghimire
Last Updated:
2 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for simple professional CV

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% A Template for Professional CV/Resume
% Preamble Begins Here
% Packages
% For hiding page no
% Define Command for name and job position
\newcommand{\myjobtitle}[1]{{\large #1}\\}
% Define Command For Topic,Upper case subtopic,Subtopic and Short Horizontal Black Line
% Sub topic with location side by side
% location
% Preamble ends Here
% Name, job title, and horizontal line
\myname{LILANATH} %name
\myname{GHIMIRE} %surname
\myjobtitle{Mechanical Engineer} %designation
% Separating Rest of document on two column
% First Page
\vspace{-1.25cm} % To make horizontal and vertical line meet
\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{1pt} % Set line thickness
Kathmandu, 44600\\
contact here\\ % give your contact no here
lmail here\\ % mail adress here
\uppersubtopic{Date/Place of Birth}
dob\\ % Date of birth and place
\uppersubtopic{Driving Licence}
\topic{skills} % provide your skills here
Microsoft Excel\\
Finite Element Analysis\\
\topic{profile} % provide your field and interests
Mechanical Engineer interested in
\item Mechanical Engineering Design
\item Design Analysis
\item Mathematical Modeling
\item Operation Research
\item Project Management
\item Microsoft Excel
\topic{education} % edit your institutions and courser in lsubtopic give course, institutation name in first and provide adress in second
\lsubtopic{SLC, Shree Sharada Higher Secondary School}{Makawanpur, Nepal}
Apr 2011-Jun 2016
\item Completed School Level Education
\item GPA: 3.60
\lsubtopic{+2 Science, Hetauda School of Management Secondary School}{Makawanpur, Nepal}
Aug 2016 - Sep 2018
\item Studied basic level Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
\item National Examination Board (NEB) Scholarship
\item Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship
\item CGPA: 3.31
% page two
\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{1pt} % Set line thickness
\subtopic{Language Skills} % language skills if any..
\item Nepali
\item English
\item Hindi
\topic{Hobbies} %hobbies here...
Reading Books, Photography,\\ Historic Coin Collection, \\Travelling, Workouts
\topic{education} % more eduction
\lsubtopic{Mechanical Engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Campus}{Lalitpur, Nepal}
Nov 2018 - Present % date
\item Merit Based Scholarship
\item Final Year project: Using deal.ii for structural analysis of Medical Oxygen Cylinder
\topic{internships} % internships experiences
\lsubtopic{Design Internship, Calcgen Nepal}{Lalitpur, Nepal}
Apr 2022 - Jun 2022 %date
\item Design ( 2D Drafting, 3D Modeling) of Pressure Vessel
\item FEA of Pressure Vessel
\item Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
\topic{extra-curricular activities} % here are extracurricular activities order is Type, provider , add date if want to
\lsubtopic{Research Methodology Training, Center For Energy Research (CES, IOE) \& UGC}{Lalitpur, Nepal}
Jun 2022
\item Attended 3 Days of Research Methodology Training
\lsubtopic{Basic Computer Application Training,
College of Information Technology (CIT)}{Makawanpur, Nepal}
Apr 2016 - Jul 2016
\item 3 Month Training
\item Microsoft Office Packages including Excel
%page three
\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{1pt} % Set line thickness
% Anything here....
\topic{extra-curricular activities}
\subtopic{Volunteer, MECHTRIX X}
Jan 2019
\item Organized by Society of Mechanical Engineering Students (SOMES) IOE, Pulchowk Campus
\subtopic{Volunteer and Participation,MECHTRIX 2020}
Jan 2020
\item Organized by SOMES IOE, Pulchowk Campus
\item Project: Solidwaste Collector
% Add your extra curricular activities here
% add your experience here
% Add your research publication here