{Generalist Software Engineer}%
{+92 xxx yyyyyyy}%
My strong suits are Python development and machine (deep) learning in both industry and academia. Over the next few years, I intend to develop as a generalist software engineer. For that, I have learned a bit more of modern C++, frontend technologies, data engineering, DevOps, software architecture, and even product management as well.
\work{Miscellaneous / Jul 2020 - Aug 2021}%
{Worked a few short stints at different organizations, including at my own non-profit startup. Focused on AI, DevOps, MLOps, and a bit of Agile Project Management.}
{Jenkins, Terraform, AWS, GCP, DVC + CML, GatsbyJs, ClickUp}
\work{ML Engineer / Mar 2019 - May 2020}%
{Smart Cart Co - Delaware, US}%
{Researched novel approaches for large scale, yet fine grained visual classification. Enhanced code readability and performance by redesigning and implementing it in modules.}%
{Python, C++, GStreamer, DeepStream, CNN}
\work{Python Developer / Mar 2018 - Feb 2019}%
{The LHC - Geneva, CH}%
{Worked on backend development in Python and on machine learning methods for textual data - from research to production.}%
{Python, Flask, PyTest, FastAI, PyTorch, scikit-learn, CNN, LSTM}
\work{Summer Student / Jun 2017 - Sep 2017}%
{The LHC - Geneva, CH}%
{Configured and simulated runs of different detector-particle beam interactions. Added a more robust track reconstruction algorithm (General Broken Lines) to the Proteus framework}{}%
\textbf{Languages:} Python, C++, C, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bash
\noindent\textbf{Tools:} PyTorch, OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, Flask, PyTest, MQTT, Docker, Jenkins, Terraform
\noindent\textbf{Other:} CI/CD, Version Control, Web, Data science and ML, Cloud computing
\section{\faPaintBrush}{OTHER PROJECTS}
\item \textbf{Market research} and \textbf{literature review} of trends in digital mental healthcare.
\item Design of a \textbf{pilot study} to study a semi-novel intervention in mental healthcare.
\item Facilitation of agile implementation in teams - \textbf{SCRUM, Kanban}
\item Fish detection and classification - \textbf{Probabilistic Modeling, CNN}.
\item People counting in dense crowd images using sparse head detections - \textbf{CNN, SVM}.
\item Vehicle detection, classification, and tracking - \textbf{CNN, openCV}.
\item Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) on a robotic wheelchair - \textbf{ROS}
\school{Robotics and AI - 4.00/4.00 - 2018} %
{Master, The University - Islamabad, PK} %
{m2caiSeg: Semantic Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images using Convolutional Neural Networks}
\school{Mechanical Engineering - 3.58/4.00 - 2014} %
{Bachelor, The University - Islamabad, PK} %
{Design of an instrument for cam profile measurement}
\item My startup was awarded a top 5 position at the the 2020 Social Startup competition.
\item Full scholarship and Gold Medal in Master studies.
\item Selected as a volunteer at that amazing conference in 2018 held in Harrapa.
\section{\faSoccerBallO}{ACTIVITIES / INTERESTS}
Proactive about learning diverse things and happy to discuss those. Favorite physical activities would be cycling and hiking.