resumecls example
Xuan Hu
Last Updated:
5 years ago
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Example for resumecls.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
% +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% | File: resume-en
% | Author: huxuan
% | E-mail: i(at)huxuan.org
% | Created: 2012-12-18
% | Last modified: 2020-04-16
% | Description:
% | A English Resume Example in LaTeX based on resumecls
% |
% | Copyright (c) 2012-2020 by huxuan. All rights reserved.
% +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\organization{School or Organization}
\address{Address, Zip Code}
\leftfooter{Last Modified: \today}
\heading{Experience (Compact Version)}
\entry{0em}{Xlr}{{\bfseries Organization} \quad Department & Position & Time Period}
Description1 \\
Description2 \\
\entry{0em}{Xrr}{{\bfseries School} & City & Time Period}
Degree1 & College1 & Major1 \\
Degree2 & College2 & Major2 \\
\heading{Research Experience}
\entry{0em}{Xr}{{\bfseries Insitute} & Time Period}
\entry{2em}{X}{Lab \quad Position}
Description \\
bibtex can be used here, like \cite{label} \\
\heading{Working Experience}
\entry{0em}{Xr}{{\bfseries Organization} & Time Period}
\entry{2em}{X}{Department \quad Position}
Description \\
\heading{School Experience}
Experience1 & Time Period \\
Experience2 & Time Period \\
Award1 & Time \\
Award2 & Time \\
\heading{Professional Skill}
Proficient in & XXX \\
Experienced in & XXX \\
Familiar with & XXX \\
Use & XXX \\
\heading{Other listings, such as hobby, network profile and so on}
Label1 & Content1 \\
Label2 & Content2 \\
% If there is no publications, just comment this part.
% Sample for two or more pages.
\heading{Heading for Page 2}
Each page is enclosed inside a table environment. \\
\verb|\clearpage| between the tables will lead to a new page. \\