\usepackage[a4paper, tmargin=0.75in, lmargin=0.80in, rmargin=0.80in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\studentname}{Student Name}
\newcommand{\researchcentre}{Astrophysics Research Centre}
\newcommand{\projecttitle}{Something about Physics and/or Mathematics}
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Dr A. N. Other}
{\Huge{Initial Review}} \\
{\Large{School of Mathematics and Physics}} \\
{\Large{Queen's University Belfast}}
Name: & {\studentname} \\
Student Number: & {\studentnumber} \\
Research Centre: & {\researchcentre} \\
Research Project Title: & {\projecttitle} \\
Primary Supervisor: & {\supervisor} \\
\section{Project Summary}
In this section, please provide an overview of the overall research objectives, what has been accomplished to date, and what aspects of the project (if any) are still outstanding to undertake the research (e.g., data, facilities, infrastructure, computing resources, etc.). The template for this {\LaTeX} file will be available via QUB's dedicated Overleaf repository\footnote{See \href{https://www.overleaf.com/edu/qub\#templates}{https://www.overleaf.com/edu/qub\#templates} for more information.}.
This section should be approximately 0.5 -- 1.0 pages long, and can include references if necessary. You can add both textual and parenthetical references as appropriate --- e.g., \citet{2012PhLB..716....1A} published an article with very rapid citation rates, but is gradually becoming eclipsed from competition in recent years \citep[e.g.,][to name but a few]{2018Natur.556...43C, 2018PhRvD..98c0001T, 2019ApJ...873..111I}.
\section{Research Plan}
In this section, please outline the short- and long-term goals of the research. These can be stipulated as bullet points. This section should be approximately 0.5 -- 1.0 pages long. For example, you can refer the reader to Section~{\ref{sec:shorttermgoals}} for your short-term goals, and Section~{\ref{sec:longtermgoals}} for your long-term goals.
\subsection{Short-term Goals}
My immediate short-term goals are outlined below.
\item Short-term goal 1.
\item Short-term goal 2.
\item Short-term goal 3.
\subsection{Long-term Goals}
The project's long-term goals are outlined below.
\item Long-term goal 1.
\item Long-term goal 2.
\item Long-term goal 3.