%Author: Mahdi Belbasi
%Email: Belbasi@psu.edu
%Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/belbasi
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\title{\textcolor{white}{Title: We Are}}
\author{Mahdi Belbasi}
\institute{Pennsylvania State University\\CSE Department\\\url{belbasi@psu.edu}}
\item<1-> Feel free to modify and distribute this template.
\item<2-> Keep the name of the author of template (not the file, which is you) as comment (lines 3 -- 7 of the source)
\subsection{Subsection 1}
\begin{frame}{We Are}
\item<1-> Penn State
\item<2-> Happy Valey
\item<3-> Nittany Lions
\item<4-> CSE Dept
\item<5-> State College
\item<6-> ...
\subsection{Subsection 2}