Präsentation Template Sommersemester 2020
Lukas Pfahler
Last Updated
4 years ago
Other (as stated in the work)
Vorlage für Proseminare und Fachprojekte
Vorlage für Proseminare und Fachprojekte
% % -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
% \usepackage{beamerthememetropolis}
\title{Presentation Template Sommersemester 2020}
% \subtitle{Learning to Identify Similarities between Mathematical Expressions}
\author{Lukas Pfahler}
\institute{TU Dortmund University - Department of Computer Science}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{Querying Data used to be simple...}
\item Tutorial for Beamer \url{}
\item Quelle Template: \url{}
\item Quelle Bild: \url{}
\section{Sections Give Structure}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{How about a very large image?}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, clip]{images/city}
\item Itemize Environments are important
\item We can \alert{highlight} words
\item We can add animations.\\(please don't over-do it)
The font size should be as large as possible
\item \textit{Never smaller than the age of the oldest audience member}
\item Don't vary sizes to much, never within a slide
\item Stick to one font
\item Don't overuse formatting like bold, italics, alert, etc.
But you knew all that already...
Clever Last Words to Stimulate Discussion