\usepackage{rotating} %Package added to allow the rotation of figures and chart on a page, {sidewaysfigure} command
\usepackage{tablefootnote} %Packaged added to allow footnotes in the tabular environment, use \tablefootnote command
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
\usepackage{gensymb} % for degree symbol
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % colorbox for inline comments
% -------------------------------------------------
% Define variables needed to build the Title Page
% -------------------------------------------------
\title{A One or Two Line Title of the Thesis \\ Second Line as Needed} % line break needs to be inserted manually for it to be double-spaced
\author{Some Student}
\graddegree{Master of Science}
\university{Portland State University}
\department{Electrical and Computer Engineering}
\major{Electrical and Computer Engineering}
\submitdate{November, 2022}
\committeemembers{Thesis Advisor, Chair\\
Other CommitteeMember\\
Another CommitteeMember}
\usepackage{etoolbox} % For the flag determining if front matter goes into the TOC
\toggletrue{fulltoc} % Change to \togglefalse{fulltoc} to remove front matter
%-------------------------Pretext Pages----------------------------
% Abstract
% Dedication
% Acknowledgements
% Table of contents, list of figures, etc
% Manually uncomment the listings for types that are present in the document
% \listofappendices
% \listofappendixfigures
% \listofappendixtables
%-------------------------Main Chapters-----------------------------