%% This simulates the banner introduced in NIMA after post-processing.
\def\pmbanner{{\hrule height 1 pt}\vskip35pt{NIMA POST-PROCESS BANNER TO BE REMOVED AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE}\vskip35pt{\hrule height 4pt}\vskip20pt}
%% End of definition. Please insert the command \pmbanner before your contibution's title
%% \title{\pmbanner Title of the contribution}
%% Numbered
%% Note: \pmbanner before the actual title
\title{\pmbanner Article Title}
\author[1]{First Author\corref{cor1}%
\author[2]{Second Author\fnref{fn2}}
\author[3]{Third Author\fnref{fn1,fn3}}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote.}
\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long
footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this
footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to make two
lines of footnote text.}
\fntext[fn3]{Yet another author footnote.}
\affiliation[1]{organization={First Organization},
\affiliation[2]{organization={Second Organization},
\affiliation[3]{organization={Third Organization},
Abstract text
Keywords here
%text of the article
%% Use \section commands to start a section
\section{Example Section}
%% Labels are used to cross-reference an item using \ref command.
Section text. See Subsection \ref{subsec1}.
%% Use \subsection commands to start a subsection.
\subsection{Example Subsection}
Subsection text.
%% Use \subsubsection, \paragraph, \subparagraph commands to
%% start 3rd, 4th and 5th level sections.
%% Refer following link for more details.
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Document_Structure#Sectioning_commands
%% Inline mathematics is tagged between $ symbols.
This is an example for the symbol $\alpha$ tagged as inline mathematics.
%% Displayed equations can be tagged using various environments.
%% Single line equations can be tagged using the equation environment.
f(x) = (x+a)(x+b)
%% Unnumbered equations are tagged using starred versions of the environment.
%% amsmath package needs to be loaded for the starred version of equation environment.
f(x) = (x+a)(x+b)
%% align or eqnarray environments can be used for multi line equations.
%% & is used to mark alignment points in equations.
%% \\ is used to end a row in a multiline equation.
f(x) &= (x+a)(x+b) \\
&= x^2 + (a+b)x + ab
f(x) &=& (x+a)(x+b) \nonumber\\ %% If equation numbering is not needed for a row use \nonumber.
&=& x^2 + (a+b)x + ab
%% Unnumbered versions of align and eqnarray
f(x) &= (x+a)(x+b) \\
&= x^2 + (a+b)x + ab
f(x)&=& (x+a)(x+b) \\
&=& x^2 + (a+b)x + ab
%% Refer following link for more details.
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Advanced_Mathematics
%% Use figure environment to create figures
%% Refer following link for more details.
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Floats,_Figures_and_Captions
\begin{figure}[t]%% placement specifier
%% Use \includegraphics command to insert graphic files. Place graphics files in
%% working directory.
\centering%% For centre alignment of image.
%% Use \caption command for figure caption and label.
\caption{Figure Caption}\label{fig1}
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Importing_Graphics#Importing_external_graphics
%% Use a table environment to create tables.
%% Refer following link for more details.
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Tables
\begin{table}[t]%% placement specifier
%% Use tabular environment to tag the tabular data.
%% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Tables#The_tabular_environment
\centering%% For centre alignment of tabular.
\begin{tabular}{l c r}%% Table column specifiers
%% Tabular cells are separated by &
1 & 2 & 3 \\ %% A tabular row ends with \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9 \\
%% Use \caption command for table caption and label.
\caption{Table Caption}\label{table1}
%% The Appendices part is started with the command \appendix;
%% appendix sections are then done as normal sections
\section{Example Appendix Section}
Appendix text.
Example citation, See \cite{friendly_ref_name}.