%From https://egu2018.eu/PICO_how-to_guide_to_PICO.pdf
%Abstracted and templated by Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Macquarie University.
%original template by https://github.com/snowtechblog/pico-latex-presentation by Anselm Köhler
\documentclass[unknownkeysallowed,usepdftitle=false, parskip=full]{beamer}
% unknownkeysallowed is needed for mac and the newer latex version -> is more picky than before...
%example pictures created via: http://lorempixel.com/1200/800/cats/Figure2/. Credit to http://lorempixel.com/images.php
\usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility},final,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true,factor=1100,stretch=10,shrink=10]{microtype} % http://www.khirevich.com/latex/microtype/
\usepackage{lipsum} % for dummy text only
\usepackage[UKenglish]{babel} %https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/27743
\usepackage[pangram]{blindtext} % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/48411
%\usepackage{parskip} % from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/11622
%\usepackage{etoolbox} % as per https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/24331
%\setparsizes{\parindent}{50pt plus 20pt minus 30pt}{\parfillskip}
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% some colors
% setup links
pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 0},%
% setup some fonts
\setbeamerfont{title}{series=\bfseries, size=\small}
% Title setup
\title{Pico Presentation template}
\author{Author 1\inst{1} (\texttt{email1@example.com}) \and Author 2\inst{2} \and Author 3\inst{1}}
\institute{\inst{1}Institute 1 name, city, state
\quad \inst{2}Institute 2 name, city, state}
% add title in headbox
\begin{beamercolorbox}[width=1\paperwidth]{head title}
\begin{columns}[t, totalwidth=\textwidth]
\centering \usebeamerfont{title} \textcolor{slfcolor}{\inserttitle} \\
\centering \usebeamerfont{author} \color[rgb]{0,0,0} \insertauthor \\
\centering \usebeamerfont{institute} \insertinstitute
{\color{slfcolor}\hrule height 1pt\vspace{0.1cm}}
% setup the navigation in footbox
% first set some button colors
% now set up that the one active one gets the new color.
% therefore we write before each section (well, everything which should be part of the navi bar)
% the variable \secvariable to any name which is in the next function ...
% ... compaired to strings in the following navibar definition ...
% ... here we start to set up the navibar. each entry is calling first the function \tocbuttoncolor with the argument which should be tested for beeing active. if active, then change color. afterwards the button is draw. so to change that, you need to change the argument in \toc..color, the first in \hyperlink and before each frames definition... A bit messed up, but works...
\begin{beamercolorbox}[width=1\paperwidth]{head title}
{\color{slfcolor}\hrule height 1pt}
% set up the buttons in an mbox
\centering \mbox{
\hyperlink{abstract}{\beamerbutton{2 Minute Madness}}
\hyperlink{radar}{\beamerbutton{Section 1}}
\hyperlink{line}{\beamerbutton{Section 2}}
\hyperlink{major}{\beamerbutton{Section 3}}
\hyperlink{slab}{\beamerbutton{Section 4}}
\hyperlink{minor}{\beamerbutton{Section 5}}
% this last one should normaly not be used... it will open the preferences to change the
% behaviour of the acrobat reader in fullscreen -> usefull in pico...
% for presentation
% for upload
Original template: https://github.com/snowtechblog/pico-latex-presentation by Anselm Köhler
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet posuere dolor. Morbi at hendrerit justo, congue pulvinar nulla. Donec rhoncus leo fermentum lacus molestie, quis bibendum velit commodo. Nullam vel leo in sem ultricies malesuada. Aenean mauris dui, varius quis nulla eget, facilisis eleifend felis. Etiam arcu ligula, eleifend et augue nec, mollis tristique sem. Mauris lobortis consequat mauris. Quisque quis sollicitudin felis.
In pellentesque nunc eu risus euismod, id blandit quam hendrerit. Etiam ultrices leo ut lorem posuere tempus. Mauris semper a metus vitae suscipit. Integer malesuada mollis quam ut porta. Integer non ligula tempor, tincidunt nulla ac, aliquam elit. Morbi viverra mi ac mi ullamcorper imperdiet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque aliquet mattis porta. Nunc non vulputate lorem. Sed ut volutpat neque. Ut ut tellus ac dui dignissim mattis. Suspendisse lacus turpis, finibus et leo at, maximus aliquam nunc. Nulla eget nisi efficitur, egestas eros molestie, pharetra purus. Integer sodales neque sit amet porttitor tempus. Mauris rutrum eget leo a laoreet.
Praesent dolor nibh, malesuada quis convallis sit amet, volutpat at purus. Suspendisse sed velit quis turpis venenatis fermentum ut sed tellus. Ut eu lacus ultricies, elementum ex gravida, gravida elit. Donec gravida nisl sit amet nulla vestibulum, in malesuada diam varius. Donec sodales efficitur nulla, non tincidunt nibh commodo nec.
Integer dictum condimentum elit ac placerat. Duis vitae ex nec mauris iaculis maximus. Aliquam est velit, imperdiet placerat velit elementum, fringilla fringilla tortor. Nunc tempus vulputate leo, ac commodo dolor mattis ullamcorper. Donec elementum dapibus justo ut vestibulum.
Phasellus aliquam porta justo, et accumsan libero tristique quis. Aenean vel risus accumsan, feugiat lorem vel, placerat.
Donec dignissim vel ligula a sollicitudin. Donec rutrum faucibus dictum. Quisque in pellentesque massa. Aliquam mi lectus, facilisis sit amet dignissim vitae, porta vitae elit. Nulla nulla nunc, consectetur a blandit nec, aliquam ultrices dolor. Duis pellentesque urna ut sem lobortis maximus.
Some extra words demonstrating a paragraph. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
\item Morbi vehicula ornare augue vitae porttitor.
\item Donec porttitor, nibh id pretium euismod,
$\quad \Rightarrow$ Aliquam et turpis eget lacus finibus congue.
\begin{frame}\label{\secvariable} %%Eine Folie
Vivamus efficitur ac odio ac scelerisque. Sed tristique vel sapien euismod elementum. Donec eu mollis mi, et auctor est.
Etiam cursus nibh nec ex tincidunt pharetra quis vel nibh. Sed condimentum lobortis mollis. Donec vitae odio nec lacus iaculis condimentum. Proin dictum consequat quam nec. \hyperlink{slabtable}{\beamerbutton{more \dots}}
\hyperlink{slab}{\beamerbutton{\dots back to figure}}\\
Morbi mauris turpis, ornare eu elit quis, pulvinar bibendum sapien. Nulla vel justo id dui aliquam blandit. Etiam pellentesque ac nisl ut suscipit.
%Table from original template.
& Time & \multicolumn{3}{r}{Volume} & Range & Length & Area & Depth \\
& [\si{\second}] & \multicolumn{3}{r}{[\si{\cubic\metre}]} & [\si{\metre}] &
[\si{\metre}] & [\si{\square\metre}] & [\si{\metre}]\\\hline
\textbf{Avalanche~\#0019} & & $V_t$ &=& 29500 & & & 40411 & 0.73 \\
initial release &3.4& $V_0$ &=& 2188 & 2506 & 62 & 1400 & 1.56 \\
slab \#1 & 17.2 & $V_1$ &=& 521 & 2356 & 39 & 701 & 0.74 \\
slab \#2 & 23.4 & $V_2$ &=& 3503 & 2284 & 83 & 2753 & 1.28 \\
slab \#3 & 20--25$^*$ & $V_3$ &=& 3345 & 2150 & 99 & 1880 & 1.78 \\
slab \#4 & 38.7 & $V_4$ &=& 4276 & 1945 & 153 & 3657 & 1.17 \\
\textbf{Avalanche~\#0017} & & $V_t$ &=& 78500 & & & 82632 & 0.95\\
initial release&5.2& $V_0$ &=& 15233 & 2402 & 191 & 12974 & 1.17\\
slab \#5 & 12.2 & $V_5$ &=& 7620 & 2219 & 202 & 6043 & 1.26 \\
slab \#6 & 14.1 & $V_6$ &=& 5868 & 2215 & 166 & 5851 & 1.01 \\
slab \#7 & 25.6 & $V_7$ &=& 6307 & 1982 & 95 & 3320 & 1.90 \\
slab \#8 & 15--25$^*$ & $V_8$ &=& 10663 & 1947 & 253 & 5037 & 2.12
\textbf{Table:} Release time, Volume, Location and size parameters of all
identified slabs.
\begin{frame}\label{\secvariable} %%Eine Folie
Duis condimentum est id nulla dapibus semper. Maecenas in tellus eget purus egestas fringilla in vitae nisl. Nulla vulputate tempor purus ut finibus. Nunc gravida placerat tortor vel efficitur. Sed tincidunt enim sed nisl hendrerit vestibulum.
Maecenas nec accumsan nunc. Aenean pretium nulla augue, sit amet volutpat leo consectetur tincidunt. Donec scelerisque erat a semper lacinia. Pellentesque aliquet libero neque, ac consequat metus feugiat eget. Etiam aliquam maximus libero, quis hendrerit ex mattis vitae. Duis sed metus ultrices, hendrerit sapien vitae, fringilla nunc.
\item Curabitur viverra massa vel elit tincidunt lacinia. Pellentesque id est lobortis, interdum felis nec, faucibus augue. Suspendisse varius sit amet dui ac dignissim. Quisque mattis, odio a congue lobortis, eros turpis placerat enim, ac tempor lorem nisl ut velit. Mauris vel nulla a quam viverra faucibus.
\item Quisque sed orci eu libero mattis lobortis. Curabitur aliquam lorem neque, ac auctor justo sagittis sed. Nunc augue nisl, mattis sed turpis at, elementum lobortis augue. Vestibulum porta felis bibendum mattis iaculis. Nulla dignissim varius rutrum.
\item Vivamus eget semper nunc. Donec sodales ornare porttitor. Curabitur commodo viverra arcu. Aliquam consequat felis non dolor consequat ultricies. Mauris non finibus nisl. Sed tincidunt felis at porttitor posuere.
K\"ohler, A., J. N. McElwaine, B. Sovilla, M. Ash, P. Brennan (in Review),
Surge dynamics of the 3 February 2015 avalanches in Valle\'e de la Sionne,
\textit{J. Geophys. Res.}