% IIT Sample THESIS File, Version 3, Updated by Babak Hamidian on 11/18/2003
% File: sample3.tex %
% IIT Sample LaTeX File %
% by Ozlem Kalinli on 05/30/2003 %
% Revised by Babak Hamidian on 11/18/2003 %
% %
% This is a sample thesis document created using %
% iitthesis.cls style file. The PDF output is also %
% available for your reference. In this file, it has %
% been illustrated how to make table of contents, %
% list of tables, list of figures, list of symbols, %
% bibliography, equations, enumerations, etc. %
% You can find detailed instructions %
% for using the style file in Help.doc, %
% TableHelp.doc, FigureHelp.doc, and %
% Bibliography.doc files. %
% %
% Note: The texts that are used in this sample3.tex %
% file are irrelevant. They are just used to show %
% you the style created by iitthesis style file. %
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% See Help file for more about options.
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\usepackage{rotating} % This package is used for landscape mode.
%\usepackage{subfigure} % These two packages, epsfig and subfigure, are used for creating subplots.
%%section title styles
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% Example \ig{Remarks and Commets}
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%%% Igor's macros
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%% \mathscr Letters
%%%% \mathsf for Matrices
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nonstandard notations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\pd}[1]{\partial_{#1}} % partial derivative
%\newcommand{\1}{\mathbbm{1}} % preferable way of writing indicator function
%\newcommand{\indFn}[1]{1 \! \! 1_{#1}} % indicator function, old version
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\{#1\}} % set: {xyz} to be used for inline formulas
\newcommand{\Set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} % set: {xyz} to be used for seapare (not inline) formulas
\renewcommand{\mid}{\;|\;} % mid bar with small spaces before and after: x | y
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\newcommand{\norm}[1]{ \| #1 \| } % mid bar with small spaces before and after: x | y
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\vert} % absolute value
\renewcommand{\d}{\operatorname{d}\!} % d in dt
\newcommand{\sgn}{\text{sgn}} % sgn in formulas
\DeclareMathOperator{\dif}{d \!} % used for differential, same as in commath.sty
\DeclareMathOperator*{\esssup}{ess\,sup} % ess sup
\DeclareMathOperator*{\essinf}{ess\,inf} % ess inf
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min} % argmin
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\,max} % argmax
\DeclareMathOperator{\Cov}{Cov} % \Cov for covariance
\DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{Var} % \Var for variance
\DeclareMathOperator{\Std}{\mathrm{Std}} % \std for Standard deviation
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FINANCE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\DeclareMathOperator{\var}{\mathrm{V}@\mathrm{R}} % \V@R Value-at-risk
\DeclareMathOperator{\tce}{\mathrm{TCE}} % Tail Conditional Expectation
\DeclareMathOperator{\tvar}{\mathrm{TV}@\mathrm{R}} % \TV@R tail Value-at-risk
\DeclareMathOperator{\avar}{\mathrm{AV}@\mathrm{R}} % \AV@R average Value-at-risk
\DeclareMathOperator{\ent}{\mathrm{Ent}} % \ent = Entropic Risk Measure
\DeclareMathOperator{\glr}{\mathrm{GLR}} % \glr = gain to loss ratio
% Packages are explained in the Help document.
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%%% Declarations for Title Page %%%
\title{Your Thesis Title}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\dept{Applied Mathematics}
\date{May 2022}
\copyrightnoticetrue % crate copyright page or not
%\coadvisortrue % add co-advisor. activate it by removing % symbol to add co-advisor
\maketitle % create title and copyright pages
\prelimpages % Settings of preliminary pages are done with \prelimpages command
%\it {To my parents Beatriz and Rodrigo}
%%% Acknowledgement %%%
\begin{acknowledgement} % acknowledgement environment, this is optional
I would like to express my sincere thanks to ...
\emph{I dedicate this thesis to my parents.}
%\\ \\
% or \input{acknowledgement.tex} % you need a separate acknowledgement.tex file to include it.
% Table of Contents
% List of Tables
%List of Figures
%List of Symbols(optional)
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\noindent LIST OF SYMBOLS} %OK
\SymbolDefinition{$\bR$}{The real line}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\bR_+$}{$[0,\infty)$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\mathbf{E}$}{A finite set}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\partial$}{A coffin state isolated from $\mathbf E$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$X$}{A Markov chain}
% \SymbolDefinition{$v$}{A function from $\mathbf E$ to $\bR$}
% %\SymbolDefinition{$(\Omega, \sF, \{\sF_{t}\})_{t\geq0},\bP$}{Stochastic basis satisfying the usual assumptions}
% \SymbolDefinition{$H$}{Separable Hilbert Space}
% %\SymbolDefinition{$W^{Q}$}{$Q$-cylindrical Brownian motion}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\theta$}{Drift coefficient}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\sigma$}{Volatility coefficient}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cT$}{Set of time indices}
% \SymbolDefinition{$g$}{Driver for backward stochastic difference equations}
% \SymbolDefinition{$L^p(\cF_t)$}{$L^p$ integrable $\cF_t$-measurable random variables}
% \SymbolDefinition{$W$}{Square integrable martingale process}
% \SymbolDefinition{$M$}{Martingale process strongly orthogonal to $W$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$(Y,Z,M)$}{Solution to backward stochastic difference equations}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cE_g$}{$g$-expectation}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cD$}{Set of all real valued square integrable adapted processes}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\rho$}{Dynamic convex risk measure}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\alpha$}{Dynamic acceptability index}
% \SymbolDefinition{$D^{0}$}{Dividend process associated with banking account}
% \SymbolDefinition{$D^{\ask}$}{Dividend process associated with holding a long position of security}
% \SymbolDefinition{$D^{\bid}$}{Dividend process associated with holding a short position of security}
% \SymbolDefinition{$P^{\ask}$}{Ex-dividend price of purchasing cash flows}
% \SymbolDefinition{$P^{\ask}$}{Ex-dividend price of selling cash flows}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\phi$, $\varphi$, $\xi$}{Trading strategies}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\widetilde{V}$}{Set-up cost process}
% \SymbolDefinition{$V$}{Liquidation value process}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cS$}{Trading strategies initiated with zero cost}
% \SymbolDefinition{$(\cM,P^\ask,P^\bid)$}{Market model}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cH^0$}{Set of cash flows generated by strategies in $\cS$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cH$}{Set of cash flows that can be super-hedged by strategies in $\cS$ at zero cost}
% \SymbolDefinition{$a^{g}$}{Acceptability ask price}
% \SymbolDefinition{$b^{g}$}{Acceptability bid price}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\widehat{a}^{g}$}{Acceptability ask price in extended market model}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\widehat{b}^{g}$}{Acceptability bid price in extended market model}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\mathbf{\Theta}$}{Space of parameters}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\theta$}{Parameters}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\theta^*$}{True parameter}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\bP_{\theta}$}{Probability measure associated with $\theta$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\bE_{\theta}$}{Expectation associated with $\theta$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$Z$}{Underlying Markov process}
% \SymbolDefinition{$p_{\theta}$}{Transition density function of $Z$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\nabla$}{Gradient vector with respect to $\theta$}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\mH$}{Hessian matrix with respect to $\theta$}
% \SymbolDefinition{Id}{Identity matrix}
% \SymbolDefinition{$I(\theta)$}{Fisher information}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\tilde{\theta}$}{Base estimator}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\hat{\theta}$}{Quasi-asymptotically linear estimator}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\chi_d^2$}{Random variable that is chi-squared distributed with $d$ degrees of freedom}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cN$}{Gaussian random variable}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\cT$}{Confidence region}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\alpha$}{Confidence level}
% \SymbolDefinition{$\rho$}{Correlation coefficient of bivariate Gaussian random variable}
%%% Abstract %%%
\begin{abstract} % abstract environment, this is optional
\textpages % Settings of text-pages are done with \textpages command
% Chapters are created with \Chapter{title} command
%More Text More Text More Text
\bibitem[AR19]{AltmeyerRieb:2019} R. Altmeyer and M. Rei\ss.
\newblock {Nonparametric estimation for linear SPDEs from local measurements}.
\newblock {\it Submitted}, 2019. arXiv:1903.06984
Florian Hildebrandt and Mathias Trabs.
\newblock {Parameter estimation for SPDEs based on discrete observations in time and space}.
\newblock {\it Submitted}, 2019. arXiv:1910.01004
\end{document} % end of document